x27;ve tried to answer some of your questions below,
and left your mail unaltered so others can see the
full content.
Eric Knapp wrote Friday, January 22, 2010 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Working on scheme engravers
Thanks, Trevor.
I have gotten this to work with the following code:
Eric Knapp wrote Thursday, January 21, 2010 2:36 AM
My goal is to determine the fingering
number and the string number
Is there a way to determine the digit
and string-number directly by name? It looks like the
are a list. Would it be possible to loop through the list and
I was asked to start posting here with my questions about scheme
engravers. I'm also learning scheme so my questions will be naive, and
my code is probably not up to scheme conventions. I have started with
the scheme-engraver.ly sample. I'm using Lilypond 2.13.11 on OS X and
Linux. I attach