> In my opinion it would not affect the complexity of Lilypond much to
> add such hooks to all common markup fields, and it would make
> tweaking specific fields much easier.
I like your idea, thanks! What about preparing a MR so that
everything is formalized? I can imagine that your idea (hav
Le dimanche 23 juillet 2023 à 23:23 +0200, Valentin Petzel a écrit :
> But I feel that this is a bigger issue. Generally the issue here is that
> systems-per-page only cares about systems of music and not about anything
> else
> that may be placed on the page, as one can see here:
> \paper {
:36 -0400, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
> > While we‘re talking about this… :) How difficult would it be to separate
> > titling from systems in the spacing engine? I would love it — and I know
> > others would, too! — if Lily could easily/automagically put [e.g.] score
> > title a
Le dimanche 23 juillet 2023 à 14:36 -0400, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
> While we‘re talking about this… :) How difficult would it be to separate
> titling from systems in the spacing engine? I would love it — and I know
> others would, too! — if Lily could easily/automagically put [e.
Hi all,
>> Currectly we do not have any hooks to change formatting of such
>> things, rather the general approach to this is "you need to change the whole
>> titling procedure, here is the default value".
> My own take has long been that elements like p
oach to this is "you need to change the whole
> titling procedure, here is the default value".
> But while it is good that Lilypond generally allows us to do what we want here
> I think this should not really be necessary if all we want to do is to modfiy
> the style of
Hello Pondmates,
I’ve just stumbled upon a music SE question regarding the formatting of page
numbers. Currectly we do not have any hooks to change formatting of such
things, rather the general approach to this is "you need to change the whole
titling procedure, here is the default
Am Samstag, dem 23.10.2021 um 11:18 + schrieb James:
> See: https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/web/manuals.html
> and
> https://lilypond.org/development.html
> I'd expect that the 'title' of both pages to be the same. I.e. the
> former says 'Manuals for LilyPond 2.23.4' the
See: https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/web/manuals.html
I'd expect that the 'title' of both pages to be the same. I.e. the
former says 'Manuals for LilyPond 2.23.4' the latter 'Development for
LilyPond for LilyPond 2.23.3'.
Is this someth
Reviewers: Graham Percival, t.daniels_treda.co.uk,
Pushed to staging as
Superfluous titling commands (2710)
Remove both \larger and \smaller in subtitle as these
simply cancel each other.
Rearrange the title markup
wrote Friday, August 03, 2012 10:33 AM
> assuming that you've compared a pdf of before&after, LGTM.
Yup, done that. Thanks.
> http://codereview.appspot.com/6455081/
lilypond-devel mailing list
assuming that you've compared a pdf of before&after, LGTM.
lilypond-devel mailing list
ource base. As you might imagine, automation is really
important to my sanity . To support that, I've modified
lilypond-book to help me with the construction of the hymnal. This
patch allows me to set up titling and indexing in LaTeX (which it does
very well), while allowing Lilypond to e
important to my sanity . To support that, I've modified
lilypond-book to help me with the construction of the hymnal. This
patch allows me to set up titling and indexing in LaTeX (which it does
very well), while allowing Lilypond to engrave the music. So: the
patch makes it p
To fix a spacing issues between the arranger and opus, I'd like to
this patch to ly/titling-init.ly :
Index: ly/titling-init.ly
RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/lilypond/ly/titling-init.ly,v
retrieving revision 1.20
though I have nothing that backs up this claim.
If I got it right, 2.3 is having its titling code rewritten; in that case I
hope these observations will be of use in that process.
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