As I said on the mailing list multiple times, it's actually
a ton of work to make the scripts work with Python 2 _and_
Python 3 at the same time. [...]
I've forgotten that you've already added Python 3.x support to gub, so I
withdraw my comments :-)
Reviewers: lemzwerg,
On 2019/12/20 00:12:25, lemzwerg wrote:
Mhmm, I'm not happy with that. What I can imagine is to *prefer*
Python 3.x
over 2.x.
Is there a reason to enforce 3.x? I thought that all of your recent
work was to
ensure that the scripts work both with 2.x and 3.x
Mhmm, I'm not happy with that. What I can imagine is to *prefer* Python
3.x over 2.x.
Is there a reason to enforce 3.x? I thought that all of your recent
work was to ensure that the scripts work both with 2.x and 3.x – am I
missing something?