2009/2/2 Han-Wen Nienhuys :
> I stopped doing sponsored work on LilyPond. I'm forwarding your
> message to the lilypond-devel forum. Maybe you can someone there can
> help you.
I'm not sure anybody will be able to implement that anytime soon, but
it's indeed a mandatory feature for lots of peopl
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009, Han-Wen Nienhuys said:
> I stopped doing sponsored work on LilyPond. I'm forwarding your
> message to the lilypond-devel forum. Maybe you can someone there can
> help you.
MS Word, and might even be supported in more robust desktop publishing
software such as Quarkexpress,
I stopped doing sponsored work on LilyPond. I'm forwarding your
message to the lilypond-devel forum. Maybe you can someone there can
help you.
Dear Sir,
I would like to start negotiating with you about me sponsoring the
feature in Lilypond which would add the full support of footnotes,