On the other hand, it gives the same output as "ellipse", so I can
understand the lack of interest.
#(define-public (make-oval-stencil-pps x-radius y-radius thickness fill)
"Make an oval from four Bezier curves, of x@tie{}radius @var{x-radius},
y@tie{}radius @code{y-radius}, and thickness
(I meen the ovals, not the combination).
Le ven. 5 avr. 2019 à 08:55, Pierre Perol-Schneider <
pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi Harm,
> Not getting a perfect circle is no issue. What I found not neet is that:
> \markup {
> \combine
> \stencil #(make-oval-stencil 3 2 .13 #f)
Hi Harm,
Not getting a perfect circle is no issue. What I found not neet is that:
\markup {
\stencil #(make-oval-stencil 3 2 .13 #f)
\stencil #(make-oval-stencil 2 3 .13 #f)
have no axis of symmetry.
Le jeu. 4 avr. 2019 à 22:03, Thomas Morley a
écrit :
> Am Do.
Am Do., 4. Apr. 2019 um 17:34 Uhr schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider
> Hi Dev Team,
> Here's some thougts:
> %%
> \version "2.19.83"
> %% The oval stencil commands uses beziers curves that cause some side
> effects:
> \markuplist {
> \line\vcenter {
> "Circle, radius = 2 : "
> \st
Or even an oval stencil with 4 control points:
#(define-public (make-oval-stencil-var x-radius y-radius thickness fill)
"Make an oval from two Bezier curves, of x@tie{}radius @var{x-radius},
y@tie{}radius @code{y-radius}, and thickness @var{thickness} with fill
defined by @code{fill}."
Hi Dev Team,
Here's some thougts:
\version "2.19.83"
%% The oval stencil commands uses beziers curves that cause some side
\markuplist {
\line\vcenter {
"Circle, radius = 2 : "
\stencil #(make-circle-stencil 2 .13 #f)
\line\vcenter {
"Oval, x-radius = y-radius