I don't see any need for a separate class. It should be enough to add a
property setting that allows for ledger lines within the extent of the
I hope you use the
\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-positions = ...
feature (see http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.8/Documentation/topdocs/NEWS) to
I'm starting to go with some C++ hacking. I can get the extra ledger
lines as long as I don't need them, when the note is outside of the
staff and normal ledger lines are created, as you mentioned. I
haven't yet lied to LilyPond about whether the note is outside the
staff, but I'll think
As far as I can see from the implementation, the ledger lines are only
typeset if the note pitch is outside the staff, so some C++ hacking would
be needed to get a clean solution for you. It should be possible to fool
LilyPond, though, by typesetting the note heads one octave too high
(for example
I want to introduce ledger lines in the middle of a staff which has
some missing lines. Alternatively, I could using dashed or dotted
lines in these locations.
I'm working on chromatic staffs, using 6-6 Tetragram by Richard
Parncutt as a starting point.