Heikki Johannes Junes wrote:
In bash shell it is possible to write
lily + TAB
which results in
and then
lilypond fi + TAB
which results in
lilypond file.ly
Yes, this works...
In order to handle the .ly-extension correctly, on needs to install bash
completion string in file /etc/b
> In order to handle the .ly-extension correctly, on needs to install bash
> completion string in file /etc/bash_completion.d/lilypond :
> # LilyPond completion.
> complete -f -X '!*.@(ly|LY)' lilypond
Nice tip, but you have to have the shell option extglob to be able to
In bash shell it is possible to write
lily + TAB
which results in
and then
lilypond fi + TAB
which results in
lilypond file.ly
In order to handle the .ly-extension correctly, on needs to install bash
completion string in file /etc/bash_completion.d/lilypond :
# LilyPond completion.