> "Juergen" == Juergen Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> except I find it harder to read. What do you think is the
>> advantage of yours over mine?
Juergen> Your approach
>> a = re.sub ( '-', '- ', a)# split words with -
Juergen> applies a rule which
On Mon, 2 Oct 2006, Laura Conrad wrote:
I just tested it and in actual code, yours seems to do the same thing
mine does,
N.B.: There should be a minor difference in the handling of white space
before/after the hyphen, which however is not essential, I guess.
except I find it harder to read
> "Juergen" == Juergen Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> a = re.sub ( '-', '- ', a)# split words with -
>> +a = re.sub ( ' - - ', ' -- ', a) # unless was originally " -- "
Juergen> Just being curious:
Juergen> Maybe I am totally wrong (since I do not know the
a = re.sub ( '-', '- ', a)# split words with -
+a = re.sub ( ' - - ', ' -- ', a) # unless was originally " -- "
Just being curious:
Maybe I am totally wrong (since I do not know the abc format in detail),
but shouldn't this be rather something like
a = re.sub ( '([^-])-([^-
Translation of MIDI tempo is now the new sytax. Also the annoying
erroneous error message about not being able to translate a numerator
of 1 is fixed.
? scripts/out
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