14 août 2022 14:05:33 Jean Abou Samra :
> Le 14/08/2022 à 13:51, Dan Eble a écrit :
>> On Aug 14, 2022, at 04:03, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
Or maybe \textMark and \textEndMark? I'm not sure.
>>> I prefer `\textMark` over 'ad-hoc' or 'nonce'. As with Jean, I've
>>> never used the word 'n
10 août 2022 20:20:52 Jean Abou Samra :
> Another open question is how several marks, of any kind, should be
> positioned relative to each other when they are at the same place.
> In the example that started this thread, should the "A" mark be above
> the segno mark, or on its right, or on its l
s would be wonderful in a world of closed, known concepts, like 19th
century music. But difficult to live in another world.
So OK, let's keep the rehearsalmarks to be only what they are supposed
to be, but please give us system texts to put wherever we want as we want.
Vincent Gay
place (beginning of the 2nd line) a rehearsalmark, a
rhythmic indicator (Swing) and a Segno.
Vincent Gay
Envoyé depuis mon saxo-phone :)
https://myrealbook.vintherine.org/ -http://photos.vintherine.org/