John Mandereau skrev:
Should I "push -f" ?
IIRC this is not allowed on If you really want to do
this (it seems to be the case, although I didn't catch all details of
the story), delete dev/run on
git push ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/srv/git/lilypond.git :dev/rune
Johannes Schindelin skrev:
FWIW the proper way to undo a merge is to
$ git rebase --onto MERGE_HEAD^ MERGE_HEAD
where MERGE_HEAD has to be substituted by the merge commit that you want
to undo. (This command transplants the commits you did since the merge
onto the commit which was cu
Valentin Villenave skrev:
I must be the one to blame here (even though I don't know why).
No, surely not.
After all, I was the one who suggested that you tried and merge master
into my branch on your local repos.
I would probably have made the same mistake at some point if I was
working on so
Rune Zedeler skrev:
$ git rebase -i --onto remotes/dev/rune2 HEAD~15
Sorry for the noise, my git is too old (
It worked with rebase -v - now my dev/rune actually looks perfect - the
merge gone and all :) Thanks for helping!
Unfortunately I ofcourse cannot push onto origin
Rune Zedeler skrev:
$ git branch dev/rune2 HEAD~6
whoops, should be HEAD~5^2
Well, it gives the same error.
lilypond-devel mailing list
Johannes Schindelin skrev:
Hmm, perhaps the best thing is to branch off a new branch (dev/rune2)
just before the merge, and then cherry-pick the commits I did after the
This would be a rebase.
Basically, you have to find out what the relationship is between the two
branches you ar
Valentin Villenave skrev:
Yes, AFAICR I did it all by the book. Mainline is the branch you want
to come back to, I think.
Ok, in that case I see no point in reverting and trying again.
The result should be the same.
Hmm, perhaps the best thing is to branch off a new branch (dev/rune2)
just bef
Valentin Villenave skrev:
As it has been 9 months since i branched off dev/rune I tried to merge
master into dev/rune to test how it went.
And then I was flooded with conflicts.
I must be the one to blame here (even though I don't know why).
How did you revert?
Did you specify a mainline (
Rune Zedeler skrev:
(I branched off from 7cfd1d6da86bf8c2eb6391592c84ea361c35ca6d. I have
only changed 24 files. After pull master I had conflicts in almost all
More specifically: I had conflicts in 334 files.
As it has been 9 months since i branched off dev/rune I tried to merge
master into dev/rune to test how it went.
I did
$ git checkout dev/rune
$ git pull --no-commit . master
And then I was flooded with conflicts.
Many conflicts was in files that I did not even change.
How could this happen, an
It appears that the correct documentation of the accidental properties
has been deleted.
When I wrote the code, I added the following documentation:
(translator-property-description 'autoAccidentals list? "List of
different ways to typeset an accidental. All algorithms in the list
are tried, and
Quoting Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I can't wait to see how a "bezier-sandwich" looks like! :)
That would be a tie/slur :-)
The top edge of the slur is a bezier, the bottom is a bezier where the control
points are just a bit different. Therefore "bezier-sandwich".
Is the 'style-setting documented anywhere?
E.g. to get the old quarter rest I had to read the source code of to see that the correct style was #'classical
Is this documented somewhere?
lilypond-devel mailing list
Graham Percival skrev:
OTOH, those people are probably more technically inclined than
those who will move to the new \tuplet command, so they can write
their own python script to change all the new \tuplet back into
\times. We could even add that script to LSR...
IMO the nice way to do this wo
Till Rettig skrev:
\relative c {\clef bass
\voiceOne f,8-. g-. a-. b-. g-. a-. b-. c-. a-. b-. c-. d-. b-. c-. d-.
e-. c-. d-. e-. f-. d-. e-. f-. g-. \clef treble \relative c' { a'8-.
b-. c-. d-. e-. d-. c-. b-. a-. a-. b-. c-. b-. a-. a-. b-. g-. f-.
e-. d-. g-. a-. b-. c-. f,-. g-. a-
(forgot to cc list)
Graham Percival skrev:
Would it be possible to add your \webernAccidentals macro to
the main lilypond, as an accidental style?
That would be easy but a bit pointless because the accidental patch I am
working on will contain a "clean" dodecaphonic accidental-style. :-)
I also want to acknowledge the huge amount of work, you have put into this
Lilypond development will not be the same without you.
Best whishes for your future projects, and I hope we will see you again in the
future - if you should find your self in a situtation where you start using
Another thing that frequenty confuse new users is the \score-statement
and the fact that the braces following it do not indicate sequential
music, so that you need to nested pairs of curly braces to include a
sequentil piece of music in a score block.
It also confuses me, btw.
I know that th
Paul Scott skrev:
What about renaming MultiMeasureRest to MeasureRest?
In English the first has the clear meaning of more than one measure
while the second fairly clearly means one measure rest.
I am quite bad in english, so I really do not know.
Even if the wordings are equally bad I would st
Now that we are into renamings...
We get lots of questions from confused users who are unable to find out
how to typeset a centered whole measure rest.
What about renaming MultiMeasureRest to MeasureRest?
lilypond-devel mailing list
Graham Percival skrev:
Actually, I'd consider this a new feature, not a regression -- if you
add an engraver multiple times, I'd expect lilypond to draw the feature
multiple times.
In this case somebody should go through to ensure that
no engravers are added twice anywh
Rune Zedeler skrev:
Can somebody on latest devel reproduce?
Sorry for noise.
I have reported the bug.
lilypond-devel mailing list
Kieren MacMillan skrev:
\version "2.11.33"
\paper{ ragged-right=##t }
drumStuff = \relative
\override TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #1
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = \markup {
\musicglyph #"" \hspace #0.2 } c'4 c c c |
c\startTextSpan c c c
Sorry you totally lost me in this thread.
Afaics the previous post was the first in this thread and it was clearly
a reply to some correspondance between Trevor and Graham.
I could not find this correspondance. Please when changing subject, add
a "was" statement in the subject line :-(
Which p
Graham Percival skrev:
What does the "\revert" command do? It is not mentioned in the RM.
By "RM", do you mean "LM" -- learning manual ?
No, I meant "reference manual". I now see that you call it NR.
Section 6.2.7 in the 2.11 version.
Han-Wen Nienhuys skrev:
\set Staff.Tie #'transparent = ##t
\revert Staff.Tie #'transparent \override Staff.Tie #'transparent = ##t
I do not understand this - the two constructs should be synonymous.
No, you're wrong. Perhaps it's confusing due to the terminology from
the time you last h
The following gives a syntax error:
\set Staff.Tie #'transparent = ##t
but if I replace with
\revert Staff.Tie #'transparent \override Staff.Tie #'transparent = ##t
then the error disappears - and it seems to be working.
I do not understand this - the two constructs should be synonymous.
Mats Bengtsson skrev:
It is indeed documented in the TupletBracket internal documentation, just
click on the link to "tuplet-bracket-interface". Note that the
properties listed
at the main page for TupletBracket in the internal documentation only
the properties that are set by default
Han-Wen Nienhuys skrev:
I think that you it will be trivially easy to use a set<> iso. writing
into the Context_def.
In dev/rune
lilypond-devel mailing list
Han-Wen Nienhuys skrev:
+ SCM virtual_smobbed_copy () { // AAARGH!
+return smobbed_copy ();
+ }
for this, we usually have a clone() method, see the
VIRTUAL_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR method; so I suggest to use a smobbed_clone()
This looks bad. You have
Han-Wen Nienhuys skrev:
I don't think that will work. We can change all these definitions on
the fly using
\with {
\accepts ..
Even if this might not be working right now, but it should be in the future.
That is true. It won't work then.
But otoh, afaics the whole path_to_accepta
The documentation says that a bracket is "optionally" added to the
tuplet, but it does not specify how.
For some reason it is not documented in the TupletBracket internal
documentation either (?)
The property TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility should be set to
either ##t, ##f or #'if-no-beam
I have made a check for cycles at any length - pushed it to dev/rune.
See files and context-def.hh
Main problem is that Context_def::path_to_acceptable_context cannot
anymore be marked as const because it needs to flag the contexts that it
Is this ok?
I still haven't ma
Han-Wen Nienhuys skrev:
midt i at ændre pitch og tilføje pitchclass
I cannot come up with other explanations than that it must be a bug in
git 1.4 that has been fixed in 1.5 because I am unable to reproduce.
I made some changes in some files and added some new files, and
Eduard Drenth skrev:
Can anyone give me a hint? Is there documentation available to start
looking when I have questions like these? Should I learn scheme? Should
I learn something else?
First of all, welcome!
Yes, you should definitely learn scheme - there is a tutorial in the
lilypond docs,
Mats Bengtsson skrev:
+ \override TextSpanner #'style = #line
This is wrong - should be #'line
The result will be the same because the result of an undefined variable
is '() and lilypond uses a solid line if the style is not set to a
sensible value.
Mats Bengtsson skrev:
So, why would you bother to use extra key strokes to specify
a note with an accidental?
Of course you wouldn't. But as the notes are represented as notes, they
So even though you do not enter an accidental, it might appear after
Rune Zedeler skrev:
\version "2.11.32"
#(define (start-of-measure-acc-rule context pitch barnum measurepos)
(cons #f (equal? measurepos (ly:make-moment 0 1
mus = {
\key des \major
\transpose c c' {
g16 g g g' g' d' d' d' g
I have put the first attempt at moving accidentals to scheme in dev/rune
(Please check that VERSION is 2.11.32.rz3 - I have had some git-problems)
* Split pitch into pitchclass and pitch - pitchclass not containing
octave information.
Han-Wen please comment on code. I had some problems
Graham Percival skrev:
Actually, now that I think about it, I had to install something like
libncurses on Ubuntu... but it looked like a standard development
library, so I didn't twice about it.
That did it - thanks!
How did you figure out that you had to install that?
Here, configere didn't c
Graham Percival skrev:
Hmm, btw, please update the configure-script so that it barks if
texinfo is not at the right version.
That was done at least a week ago on GDP, and a few few days ago on master.
Does not work here :-/
$ git log
commit 2dfa0cc490adf856b7aaa8f637b1c1e127d21b53
Author: Ni
John Mandereau skrev:
that's why
building docs in lilypond/gdp and master branch now require Texinfo
This was already discussed on -devel,
Was it?
I cannot find any discussion about this in the archive.
The latest ubuntu - 7.10 - less than one month old - is still at texinfo
Am I
John Mandereau skrev:
building docs in lilypond/gdp and master branch now require Texinfo
Hmm, btw, please update the configure-script so that it barks if texinfo
is not at the right version.
lilypond-devel mailing list
Johannes Schindelin skrev:
However, in your particular case I would just "git pull origin "
where is the branch you actually want to merge.
Thanks! :-)
lilypond-devel mailing list
I cannot pull from :-(
I have not made any local changes in master branch.
$ git branch
* master
$ git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)
# scm/accidentals-auto.scm.not
nothing added to commit but untr
I cannot pull from :-(
I have not made any local changes in master branch.
$ git branch
* master
$ git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)
# scm/accidentals-auto.scm.not
nothing added to commit but untr
Johannes Schindelin skrev:
I'd do the merge, but undo it right after that.
Okay that's what I figured, more or less.
lilypond-devel mailing list
I am a bit surprised that I found no git-documentation on how to test
whether it will be possible to merge two branches without actually
recording the merge.
If I understand the docs correctly, this has to be done like this:
$ git merge --squash ...
$ git reset --mixed HEAD
... (test whether
Reinhold Kainhofer skrev:
Notes with n flags can always be composed by stacking more single flags on top
of each other, there does not necessarily have to be a glyph in the font for
this, right?
Hmm. This definitely does not hold for rests.
And we should imo allow for the same durations for r
(sorry, sent to devel instead of user by mistake. Resending)
Ben Fagin skrev:
I have a program that generates random notes. It turns each of the
notes into variables that scheme can understand (noteone = ees'
notetwo = g,, etc).
I am sorry, I still don't understand what you want.
Why do you
Ben Fagin skrev:
I have a program that generates random notes. It turns each of the
notes into variables that scheme can understand (noteone = ees'
notetwo = g,, etc).
I am sorry, I still don't understand what you want.
Why do you want scheme to understand the notes?
If you just want to add y
Rune Zedeler skrev:
To test the patch, just download and apply it,
I also managed to get git to work again (thanks Johannes!) so you can
also checkout dev/rune from git.
Though, dev/rune also contains some relatively untested work on pitches,
accidentals and key signatures, so you might also
On the 29th of october I posted a beta-fix for nested contexts.
Before we polish it and include it in lily we need to ensure that it works.
For now the fix only allows for directly nested contexts so that
staffgroups can contain staffgroups and choirstaves can contain
choirstaves. We still do no
On the 29th of october I posted a beta-fix for nested contexts.
Before we polish it and include it in lily we need to ensure that it works.
For now the fix only allows for directly nested contexts so that
staffgroups can contain staffgroups and choirstaves can contain
choirstaves. We still do no
Johannes Schindelin skrev:
Rune, can you upgrade your git?
That is not so easy - am still running ubuntu dapper.
Dapper official only has git 1.4.4. Trying to install the 1.5.4-debs
from the git-homepage gave dependency problems (libc6 and
libcurl3-gnutls). Building the git sources works fin
Johannes Schindelin skrev:
For shared repositories (such as on, non-fast-forwarding
pushes are not allowed.
It would be nice with a better error message.
If I understand it correctly, what you just said is that the "--force"
option cannot be used on shared repositories.
Jan Nieuwenhuizen skrev:
In software there's no such thing as a temporary solution.
Quoting the changelog:
* Added "hacky" drum notation/midi. See input/tricks/ and
ly/ Moved midi-instruments to scm.
* Added temporary nested staffgroups/choirst
Back in 2001 I made a patch to allow for nested StaffGroups.
Unfortunately the introduced cycle in the context-hierarchy introduced a
infinite loop in lilypond, leading to a stack overflow.
I therefore replaced the nested StaffGroups with StaffGroup and
InnerStaffGroup - as some sort of temporar
Because I by mistake did a merge of the master into dev/rune before the
last time I pushed to, I undid these changed in my local
branch before making my new changes locally.
But now, if I do
$ git push -f ssh+git://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/srv/git/lilypond.git/
Reinhold Kainhofer skrev:
From a user's POV, even requiring InnerStaffGroup instead of StaffGroup is not
I agree.
Actually, you might be able to circumvent the problems with the circular
If you insert
\layout {
\context {
\accepts "StaffGroup"
Reinhold Kainhofer skrev:
I understand that for nested StaffGroups, one needs to use InnerStaffGroup for
the inner groups, however, this seems to add only one more possible level to
the hierarchy. Attached is an example where the innermost InnerStaffGroup is
not shown in the correct hierar
Carl D. Sorensen skrev:
When I get the latest git release and build it on my system, the build seems to
go fine.
However, when I try to process an input file that contains a key signature
other than c \major, I get the following warnings:
I can't reproduce.
It looks like a font problem.
Valentin Villenave skrev:
After a lot of work I managed to build 2.6.5. Phew.
(off-topic) Why did you have to build it?
I feel SO stupid.
I totally forgot about the binaries.
(The binaries install without problems)
Rune Zedeler skrev:
Yep, it works in 2.10.
Eh, no, sorry, it did not.
It also still works in 2.11 if you replace GrandStaff with e.g. StaffGroup.
Yep, this still holds.
I still consider this a bug.
lilypond-devel mailing list
Joe Neeman skrev:
Did this work before (and if so, what version)? Putting "\new Staff " before
each voice makes it work for me.
Yep, it works in 2.10.
The staff contexts should be created automatically because pianostaves
do not accept voice contexts.
It also still works in 2.11 if you repla
Mats Bengtsson skrev:
Please read under "Bugs" in the section on "Repeat Syntax" in the manual.
Isn't the phrasing wrong? Is says "so after a repeat timing information
must be reset by hand". Should't that be "so between alternatives timing
information must be reset by hand"?
I am looking into splitting pitch into pitchclass and pitch.
Therefore I need to understand what is going on in the pitch class.
Some questions (inserted as c++-comments):
Pitch::normalize ()
Rational pitch = tone_pitch ();
while (notename_ >= (int) scale_->step_tones_.size ())
Is it not possible to see who have written a given snippet?
If one has corrections for a snippet, what should you do?
lilypond-devel mailing list
Thanks for comments.
Han-Wen Nienhuys skrev:
+ int octave_;
+ int notename_;
+ Rational alteration_;
Why don't you use a Pitch object for this combination? You would get
Scale* for free.
Primarily because the two values octave_ and has_octave_ are very
closely related.
They really /shoul
It seems that the problem is that I changed MY_PATCH_LEVEL to rz1.
Problem is, that master just updated PATCH_LEVEL from 32 to 33, and
because MY_PATCH_LEVEL and PATCH_LEVEL are defined right next to each
other, the automerge fails.
I resolved the conflict manually.
Try again, Valentin.
Rune Zedeler skrev:
git push [...] dev/rune
git checkout dev/rz
Sorry for the noise.
-Rune (really getting annoyed with git)
lilypond-devel mailing list
I (think I) made my own branch:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/lilypond/lilypond git push
ssh+git://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/srv/git/lilypond.git/ dev/rune:dev/rune
updating 'refs/heads/dev/rune'
from 8505bf3b6810af409fb83e12eba32ff6599a1d17
to 1982a5513e92f4f01605e9dbfdbb997f314b1cac
Generating pack...
Citat Rune Zedeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I would like some comments on
> the representation of the key-sig.
Eh, whoops, forgot to mention the branch.
I have pushed it to the branch dev/rune
lilypond-devel mailing list
I have restructured the representation of the key signature so that each
alteration is a smob of type Key_entry. Now the local key sig knows the
measure-position where the notes associated with the accidentals ends.
I have changed the key engraver og acc engraver to use the new
I would really appreciate my own git branch.
I have some communication going on with Valentin, and it would ease it
alot if he could check out my source code more easily.
Would this be possible?
lilypond-devel mailing list
Rune Zedeler skrev:
I have another request though. If you are going to rewrite the thing,
can you think of a representation which is less fragile than the
arcane nesting of lists?
I am not sure what you mean with 'nested lists'.
Unless, ofcourse, you are referring to the localKe
Mats Bengtsson skrev:
I hope you have checked the mailing list archives for related feature
there have been a few such requests over the last years.
Yep, I checked, but I did not find anything - except for valentins
request for recognizing sequences of notes at the same pitch.
I rea
Han-Wen Nienhuys skrev:
I have another request though. If you are going to rewrite the thing,
can you think of a representation which is less fragile than the
arcane nesting of lists?
I am not sure what you mean with 'nested lists'.
The current implementation uses lists of symbols and pairs:
The current accidental-implementation is not flexible enough.
The webern accidental requires an ugly hack, and Valentins suggestion
for distinguishing neighboring notes is currently not possible.
I therefore suggest:
- Extend localKeySignature to for each local accidental also to contain
The doc-page refers to
for the mailinglist-archives.
Unfortunately this list only goes back to july 2001.
Where is the complete archive?
lilypond-devel mailing list
This msg. is crossposted to bug and devel.
Please follow-up to only one of the lists.
In latest git, the score-function of Accidental_result looks like the
int score () const {
return need_acc ? 1 : 0
+ need_restore ? 1 : 0;
The intention is clearly to sum the numbe
Why do we have both currentBarNumber and internalBarNumber?
Is there a situation where they differ?
lilypond-devel mailing list
Peter Danenberg skrev:
Nice graphically, but contrapuntally offensive; that second example
has a direct fifth.
I wasn't asking for comments on the cartoons - I was asking for comments
on using the note (just the note) as a logo.
After we dropped the Cello-Woman, we haven't really had a logo.
I suggest to use Valentin's happy LilyPond-note as a logo. I could start
arguing a lot, but hope that it won't be nessesary. The note is just
Kieren MacMillan skrev:
Oops... In that last email, I meant #'staff-position (from
staff-symbol-referencer-interface). =\
Clefs don't have a default staff-position - staff-position depends on
which clef you select.
For G clef it is -2, for C clef it is 0, etc. I do not really see how we
Kieren MacMillan skrev:
development of lilypond will run faster than any effort to try
and keep up with such extended documentation of properties.
Possibly... but an *automated* page -- containing a listing exactly as
Trevor outlined BUT WITH ONLY THE DEFAULT SETTING/VALUE -- would keep up
Trevor Bac(a skrev:
Criterion 1: There's a *complete* enumeration of acceptable values for
each property, and
This will be very difficult make.
And lots of properties takes infinitely many different arguments.
For instance 'stencil can take any scheme function.
I seriously think that developm
Graham Percival skrev:
Look, the regression tests are not _intended_ as documentation, and they
_should not_ be intended as documentation. They are regression tests!
I agree.
But they should still be easily readable.
Having to search through the lsr for each and every regtest is hopeless.
Valentin Villenave skrev:
Why does "decorating" have a negative meaning to everyone but me?
Your suggestions are fine too, though.
The problems are
- even though the term makes sense, it is quite difficult to uniquely
determine whether a specific feature is "decorating"
- Separating decoratin
Citat Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think CSS allows to do this without needing an extra (ugly) frame.
It is possible with css, but you would have to redownload the entire toc each
With frames the toc stays and you only load the pages themself.
We were talking loading times :-
Citat Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The all-in-one HTML page is **5 megs**. I'm astounded that so many
> people (ie more than 0) are choosing to download that monster _every
> time_ they want to look something up in the docs.
We don't.
Browsers have caches, you know :-)
> Let me phrase
Very first I comment on the stuff I wrote below: When I wrote it I
didn't really notice / think about the fact the the first five sections
are left out. Probably some of my comments are not totally valid. Well,
I will think some more, and post another message about the overall
structure of the
Trevor Bac(a skrev:
As a first pass, I took a look at chapter 8 "Advanced notation",
because I've never been very comfortable with the distinction between
"basic", "advanced" and "contemporary" notation in the current
It seems like your comments are meant to the online 2.11 document
Graham Percival skrev:
Well, don't I feel like a complete newbie. :/Does anybody know how
to make Thunderbird treat text like pure bloody text, and not change the
displayed text when it sends an email out? thanks in advance. :(
I don't know what you did wrong.
I just copypasted the belo
Citat Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Just one general comment for the moment: I'd rather propose longer than
> > shorter subsections. I think that there already is too much fragmentation
> > at some places for the moment, which means that you never get the chance
> > to see the full pict
Graham Percival skrev:
To keep discussion focused and as un-confused as possible, this is a
discussion *only* about the arrangement of subsections. Other parts of
GDP will be discussed later.
This means:
- propose new/changed chapter/sections
- propose renamings of chapter/s
Valentin Villenave skrev:
If I understand you request correctly, the only new feature needed is
the ability to distinguish between a note that has just ended, and a
note that ended somewhat earlier in the same measure.
Yes, it's much simpler this way :-)
I have thought a bit about it, but un
Han-Wen Nienhuys skrev:
Sounds like bullock's manure to me.
You are right - the problem is not really related to this.
I still think that we should change to 1/72 inch instead if 1/72.27 inch
because this way all staff lines will have same distance on paper and on
screen, whereas with 1/72.2
Rune Zedeler skrev:
I understand why the viewers have problems with lilypond's pdfs: For
some reason lilypond does loads of conversions to and from millimeters.
Oh, I never learn not to post comments late at night.
The above really had nothing (afaics) to do with the problem.
It shou
Okay, I took a look.
I understand why the viewers have problems with lilypond's pdfs: For
some reason lilypond does loads of conversions to and from millimeters.
I think it has something to do with lily defining one point to be
1/72.27 inch, whereas a postscript (and pdf) point is 1/72 inch.
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