Re: Impossible make web with missing glyph and an endless loop

2006-04-19 Thread Heikki Junes
Jan Nieuwenhuizen kirjoitti: Heikki Johannes Junes writes: In my debian-testing system (which should have all the required versions of programs, e.g. fontforge 20060413 compiled separately), invoking Are you sure that the seperately compiled fontforge is being used, do you need a PATH

Re: The music in parallel web display has to be wrong

2006-03-07 Thread Heikki Junes
Laura Conrad kirjoitti: I can't imagine needing a feature that would produce music looking like the current (Monday, March 6) display of: Why the not

Using typographical terminology: regression tests -> proofs

2006-02-24 Thread Heikki Junes
Hi! Is there some reason for using term "regression tests"? There is a more accurate and shorter term "proofs" which is used in typographical contex. If the latter term is preferred, I would cultivate it in several places in the Documentation. Gre

Re: TEST REPORT: LilyPond SVG output seen in Firefox 1.5

2005-12-01 Thread Heikki Junes
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: Heikki Junes wrote: Firefox 1.5 was just recently released. The new version supports SVG output. In the SVG rendering of Firefox 1.5: A) grobs were in right places B) fonts are initially scaled and overlapping in the output C) fonts (Emmentaler etc.) were missing D

TEST REPORT: LilyPond SVG output seen in Firefox 1.5

2005-12-01 Thread Heikki Junes
t;210" height="298") In comparison with firefox, in the SVG rendering of sodipodi, only C) fonts were missing It would be nice to see some day SVG output to appear nicely. In first approximation, the fonts could be included into the SVG o

Re: Lilypond and Emacs mode for Emacs 22

2005-10-14 Thread Heikki Junes
Milan Zamazal wrote: "NS" == Nicolas Sceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: NS> Using in Emacs, I applied the following patch. The following additional patch seems to be needed to avoid an error in post-command-hook: -

Re: Sponsoring lilypond development Was Re: Score parts: instrument and duration

2005-08-18 Thread Heikki Junes
Erik Sandberg wrote: As you say, it could be useful to start a constructive dialogue with the SCORE folks, to (a) see what it would require (in terms of improved program design) to make them join us. (b) get inspiration from their engraving expertise. I found a nice EPS-file advertising wha

BUG OR FEATURE?: \markup { "Piano " } vs. \markup { "Piano" " " " " }

2005-08-15 Thread Heikki Junes
I tried to make a new context with ChordNames in between Piano staves, and found a strange (?) behaviour with ending spaces in the instrument names: \version "2.7.5" melody = \relative c' { \clef "G" c2 b c1 \bar "|." } harmonies = \chordmode { c'2 g c4 } accompaniment = \relative c { \clef "F"

Re: lilypond ./ChangeLog Documentation/bibliography...

2005-07-21 Thread Heikki Junes
Stephen wrote: Even in the documentation, the blank line between paragraphs, which you do not see in a news column, and the frequent examples prevent the columns of text from getting too tall, making it easier not to mistake which line we are on. Although I like pages that flow into the enti

Re: lilypond ./ChangeLog Documentation/bibliography...

2005-07-21 Thread Heikki Junes
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: Heikki Johannes Junes wrote: Modified files: . : ChangeLog Documentation/bibliography: html-long.bst stepmake/bin : buildscripts : Log message: optimize width for 800x600, width=760px (c

Re: download page: small corrections on Debian package versions

2005-07-20 Thread Heikki Junes
Erik Sandberg wrote: On Wednesday 20 July 2005 11.09, Heikki Junes wrote: Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: Mark Van den Borre writes: I found an another, a build dependency problem between debian and LilyPond. Using ./ for Lilypond resulted in: ERROR: Please install

Re: download page: small corrections on Debian package versions

2005-07-20 Thread Heikki Junes
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: Mark Van den Borre writes: * Lilypond 2.4.5 is in Debian etch, the current testing, and in Debian sid. * Lilypond 2.2.6 ships with Debian sarge, but it's not in Debian sid anymore. Thanks, I fixed these. P.S. Is anyone working on 2.5/2.6 .debs for Debia