Re: make check is broken (again) - patch testing seeming to taking more of my time than I like

2019-10-31 Thread Werner LEMBERG
>> [...] because the `share' tree present in >> >> gub/uploads/webtest/v2.21.0-1-unpack/v2.19.83-1/ >> >> is not created by the script in >> >> gub/uploads/webtest/v2.21.0-1-unpack/v2.21.0-1/ > > This fixes the lilypond-test stage: > Thanks a lot! What pa

Re: make check is broken (again) - patch testing seeming to taking more of my time than I like

2019-10-31 Thread Dan Eble
On Oct 28, 2019, at 05:32, Werner LEMBERG wrote: > > Operand stack: > > (.../gub/uploads/webtest/v2.21.0-1-unpack/v2.21.0-1/share/lilypond/current/fonts/otf/emmentaler-20.otf) >(r) > Execution stack: [...] > Last OS error: No such file or directory > > because the `share' tree present in

can't update makeinfo from 5.1

2019-10-31 Thread David Nalesnik
Hi all, I've been out of the loop for a while, and recently decided to finish work on a patch I had put off. When I run configure, an error is returned saying that makeinfo is too old (5,2). When I run sudo apt-get install texinfo, I'm told that I have the latest version. makeinfo --version stil

Re: MacOS 64bit installer

2019-10-31 Thread Carl Sorensen
I'm sorry about the broken link. It's fixed here. On 10/31/19, 12:24 PM, "lilypond-devel on behalf of Carl Sorensen" wrote: On 10/31/19, 12:06 PM, "lilypond-devel on behalf of Malte Meyn" wrote: Is it foreseeable whether and when a simple solution will exis

Re: MacOS 64bit installer

2019-10-31 Thread Carl Sorensen
On 10/31/19, 12:06 PM, "lilypond-devel on behalf of Malte Meyn" wrote: Is it foreseeable whether and when a simple solution will exist for the 64 bit problem? Cheers, Malte P.S.: IIUC Frescobaldi doesn’t have such problems, does it? There is certainly a 64-bit

Re: MacOS 64bit installer

2019-10-31 Thread Karlin High
On 10/31/2019 1:05 PM, Malte Meyn wrote: I would need to know that people can actually use the program without emulators or other additional software on their own computers Would any of the online options fit your use case? -- Karlin High Miss

MacOS 64bit installer

2019-10-31 Thread Malte Meyn
Hi list, my university asked me if I could give a LilyPond basics workshop for students and lecturers. There are some interested people who use Macbooks with the newest OS on which LilyPond wouldn’t work anymore IIUC. Of course I would like to give such a workshop but I would need to know th

Re: Issue 5576: make output-distance less verbose by default (issue 563120043 by

2019-10-31 Thread lenhung9171
On 2019/10/28 16:10:01, Dan Eble wrote: inherit;">Vào 2019/10/28 16:06:27, Dan Eble đã viết: > xóa biểu thức với cú pháp mới-ish style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Đừng bận tâm. Tôi sẽ tạo một đánh giá mới để tránh phải đọc qua những thay đổi khác được cam kết để làm chủ vì đánh giá này là h

Re: Issue 5578: add a button to flip between old and new regtest images (take 2) (issue 573160047 by

2019-10-31 Thread lenhung9171
On 2019/10/29 15:15:46, Dan Eble wrote:

Re: Issue 5578: add a button to flip between old and new regtest images (take 2) (issue 573160047 by

2019-10-31 Thread lenhung9171
On 2019/10/30 16:23:06, thuythuy9171 wrote: inherit;">Vào 2019/10/30 03:40:00, Dan Eble đã viết: > "vertical-align: kế thừa; "> bản phát lại cho Python 2.4 font>