Hi Charles, Today I built and ran 'make check' with your patch applied
to current master. I was able to get it to pass 'make check' by making
the following two changes.
1. In `chord-entry.scm` line 267, remove `(write-me "base3: " bass)`.
2. In that same file, line 100, remove the parens to cha
I wonder whether it might be reasonable to just have all markup commands
with a last argument of markup? produce their last (recursively treated)
argument as default, and possibly all markup list commands with a last
argument of markup-list? similarly produce their last argument? That
leaves fewe
Reviewers: ,
Please review.
There are some TODOs in the code where I'd appreciate some feedback.
Improve markup->string
'all-relevant-markup-commands' is now a toplevel-defined procedure.
So it is not longer a part of the rekursive 'markup->string'.
It needs to be
while working on a patch to improve markup->string from markup.scm I
noticed, that
(pretty-print (list? (ly:module->alist (resolve-module '(lily)
inserted at toplevel in markup.scm returns several times:
programming error: unbound variable in module
continuing, cross fingers
While do