Re: Extend Whiteout property

2018-09-07 Thread Lukas-Fabian Moser
Hi Kieren, Well done. Does it also work with other whiteout styles (e.g., outline)? Not yet. Of course, "rounded-box" would be nice to have (and probably not too hard to implement). I expect "outline" would be more involved; tbh, I'm not quite certain what the precise meaning would be for tha

Re: Extend Whiteout property

2018-09-07 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Lukas, > I took this as an intencive to take a stab at delving into the source code > (which I always did read-only up to now). Nice! > I think I managed to create a working branch from current master (I also > never got the hang of git...) Ugh… I have to do that someday, too. > that allo