Re: issue 5307: Skyline Refinements (Rounded Boxes and Rotated Ellipses) (issue 341140043 by

2018-06-09 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ for (vsize i = 0; i < (vsize) points.size () - 1; i++) Why wo

Re: issue 5319: Make skylines reflect grob rotation (issue 342060043 by

2018-06-09 Thread dak File lily/ (right): lily/ Stencil *q = unsmob (s->smobbed_copy ()); Once you create a

Re: How to update a remote branch (remotes/origin/dev/guile-v2-work)

2018-06-09 Thread David Kastrup
Wols Lists writes: > On 07/06/18 23:36, David Kastrup wrote: >> Thomas Morley writes: >> >>> One additional question: If I want to add something to the then >>> updated branch, would >>> $ git push origin HEAD:dev/guile-v2-work >>> work or would I need to follow the route you described above? >

Re: How to update a remote branch (remotes/origin/dev/guile-v2-work)

2018-06-09 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-06-08 0:40 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley : > 2018-06-08 0:36 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup : >> Thomas Morley writes: >> >>> One additional question: If I want to add something to the then >>> updated branch, would >>> $ git push origin HEAD:dev/guile-v2-work >>> work or would I need to follow the route

Re: Delete "Double glissando"-snippet?

2018-06-09 Thread Thomas Morley
2018-06-03 16:41 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley : > Hi, > > as Helge stated here: > > The workaround demonstrated here > > is no lon