Re: Issue 5284: improve ASSIGN_EVENT_ONCE (issue 338540043 by

2018-03-04 Thread dak File lily/include/stream-event.hh (right): lily/include/stream-event.hh:51: extern void Using "extern" for function prototypes is we

Issue 5284: improve ASSIGN_EVENT_ONCE (issue 338540043 by

2018-03-04 Thread nine . fierce . ballads
Reviewers: , Description: * Really assign the event only once. * End an unnecessary relationship with translator listeners. * Rephrase the warning so that it could be used more broadly than for simultaneous events. * Rephrase the warning so

Issue 5283: Avoid different simultaneous marks in a regression test. (issue 341720043 by

2018-03-04 Thread nine . fierce . ballads
Reviewers: , Description: The focus of is on context modifications. Its former unusual use of marks made it unnecessarily fragile. Please review this at Affected files (+8, -26 l

PATCHES - Countdown forMarch 4th

2018-03-04 Thread James Lowe
Hello, Here is the current patch countdown list. The next countdown will be on March 7th. A quick synopsis of all patches currently in the review process can be found here: Push: 2199 Mark_engraver in StaffGroup misplaces marks at top of Score - Dan

Re: Updating LSR snippets

2018-03-04 Thread Thomas Morley-2
Dan Eble wrote > The snippet has \mark 1 at measures 2 and 10, as well as other duplicates. > > I propose that it does not make sense for a specific rehearsal mark to > exist at more than one point in a score, that repeating a mark in a real > score is most likely a mistake, and that it would be a