On 2018/02/05 00:04:22, thomasmorley651 wrote:
On 2018/02/04 21:36:17, thomasmorley651 wrote:
> Works with my guilev2 setup and compiling
> directly.
> make doc (with guilev2) fails at different place now, while using
> I'll redo with single thread and
On 2018/02/04 21:36:17, thomasmorley651 wrote:
Works with my guilev2 setup and compiling
make doc (with guilev2) fails at different place now, while using -j5.
I'll redo with single thread and report afterwards.
make doc (guilev2) fails for the cod
Works with my guilev2 setup and compiling
input/regression/markup-partial.ly directly.
make doc (with guilev2) fails at different place now, while using -j5.
I'll redo with single thread and report afterwards.
On Feb 3, 2018, at 19:20, Vivyan wrote:
> d4\rest
> \tuplet 3/2{
>\crossStaff { b }
> }
I believe that this B has a duration of 2/3 of a quarter note, therefore the
final D begins with 1/3 of a beat remaining in the measure.
Vivyan writes:
> not sure why on the bass clef is the last note d in not in the second meter?
> %Piano Score
> {
> \new PianoStaff <<
> \new Staff {
> \clef treble
> \time 5/4
> \tempo "Andante" 4 = 76
> des'4
> \tuplet 3/2{