Re: make metronomeMarkFormatter more flexible (issue 327620043 by

2017-10-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Harm (et al.), > On the tracker I posted a more elaborated code. > Hmmm… That's not at *all* what I was hoping that would look like. I was hoping it could be more like a custom bookTitleMarkup, by leveraging \fromproperty [warning: o

Re: make metronomeMarkFormatter more flexible (issue 327620043 by

2017-10-15 Thread thomasmorley65
On 2017/10/15 13:09:30, wrote: Hi David, > I think it's rather obvious that we won't get something that caters for > every format without actually giving the user the equivalent of > providing a formatting function (in the form of a markup command): even > a f

Re: make metronomeMarkFormatter more flexible (issue 327620043 by

2017-10-15 Thread thomasmorley65
On 2017/10/10 18:47:14, Malte Meyn wrote: \tempo "" 4 = 120→ (𝅘𝅥 = 120) [misaligned] \tempo "" 4 = 120-132→ (𝅘𝅥 = 120 – 132) [misaligned] Why misaligned? Could you give an example? ___

Re: make metronomeMarkFormatter more flexible (issue 327620043 by

2017-10-15 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David, > I think it's rather obvious that we won't get something that caters for > every format without actually giving the user the equivalent of > providing a formatting function (in the form of a markup command): even > a format string requires a certain order of elements. > > We might prov

Re: make metronomeMarkFormatter more flexible (issue 327620043 by

2017-10-15 Thread dak
On 2017/10/15 09:31:37, Malte Meyn wrote: Maybe we should think about another subproperty for text like "M. M." that is placed before the note but after the opening parenthesis if there is one. This can be neither in the tempo text (\tempo "Allegro M. M." 4 = 120 would put it before the par

Re: make metronomeMarkFormatter more flexible (issue 327620043 by

2017-10-15 Thread lilypond
Maybe we should think about another subproperty for text like "M. M." that is placed before the note but after the opening parenthesis if there is one. This can be neither in the tempo text (\tempo "Allegro M. M." 4 = 120 would put it before the parenthesis) nor in the parenthesis text (\tempo 4 =

Re: make metronomeMarkFormatter more flexible (issue 327620043 by

2017-10-15 Thread lilypond
On 2017/10/12 21:54:00, thomasmorley651 wrote: { \override Score.MetronomeMark.details = #(list (cons 'between-text " – ") (cons 'equal-sign " = ") (cons 'parentheses? #f) (cons 'note-size -1) ) \tempo 8=120 R1 } What do you think? I like it I