On 01.07.2017 18:44, Francisco Vila wrote:
I'd like to know if something has changed recently about the way
LilyPond creates landscape documents.
In 2.19.58, a landscape document looks right in Evince and in
Frescobaldi music PDF preview. In 2.19.62, the same document is rotated
90º coun
El 01/07/17 a las 18:51, Francisco Vila escribió:
> Hello,
> This code does not seem to make the whiteout to work. Is there a
> whiteout property for PercentRepeatCounter?
I answer to myself: this object is really a DoublePercentRepeatCounter
and yes, it has the whiteout property.
> Than
This code does not seem to make the whiteout to work. Is there a
whiteout property for PercentRepeatCounter?
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \repeat percent 2 { b1 b }
\new Staff \repeat percent 2 {
\override PercentRepeatCounter.whiteout = ##t
\set countPercentRepeats =
I'd like to know if something has changed recently about the way
LilyPond creates landscape documents.
In 2.19.58, a landscape document looks right in Evince and in
Frescobaldi music PDF preview. In 2.19.62, the same document is rotated
90º counter-clockwise, which is not a problem for Evi
Here is the current patch countdown list. The next countdown will be on
July 4th.
A quick synopsis of all patches currently in the review process can be
found here:
5149 lilypond-manuals.css: Add a maximum width for manuals sidebar -