"Redwood (Daniel)" writes:
> It looks like the primary work was done by Jan over 10 years
> ago. Since then, the changes seem such that no architectural
> understanding was required.
> Jan, are you available to advise? My goal is add in more details from
> the score to the midi output. This wou
Reviewers: ,
Please review, thanks, -Paul
Doc: CG: itemize section on commit message prefixes
Please review this at https://codereview.appspot.com/296810043/
Affected files (+20, -8 lines):
M Documentation/contributor/source-code.itexi
Index: Documentation/contributor
Reviewers: ,
Please review. See issue 4818 for examples that show this obscure edge
case. Luckily it was an easy fix once I figured out what was going on.
Thanks, -Paul
engraver-init.ly: guarantee no ledger lines in NullVoice
for staves with custom line positions and led