2008/6/5 Mark Hanlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Do you think I should just rip all mention of -wno-long-double out of the make
> and config files?
Yes, sounds like a good idea; create a patch to do that, stick it
in patches/, and edit
gub/specs/darwin/odcctools.py adding a patch method that does
Han-Wen Nienhuys gmail.com> writes:
> can you post a bit of log file for the failure?
Cheers Hans, here's a wee snippet of the log file (I'm having trouble posting
all of it due to the 80 character line rule. Have cherry picked most useful
gcc -Wall -Wno-long-double -Wno-import -DHAVE
2008/6/4 Mark Hanlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello again,
> I'm so so very sorry about this, honestly I'm not trying to be thick.
> I just want to check that I am doing something sensible before I break
> everything :) My specific questions are at the end if you can't be bothered
> reading the pre