Re: pure simple-closures

2006-10-28 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Joe Neeman escreveu: On Sat, 2006-10-21 at 17:29 +0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: Joe Neeman schreef: On Sat, 2006-10-21 at 12:15 +0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: Joe Neeman schreef: Mostly because at the time that I wrote it, I couldn't figure out how to handle arbitrary length argument lists i

Re: lilypond python/ input/test/vert...

2006-10-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Are you sure that this patch is correct. The convertrules gives \override VerticalAxisGroup = ..., which probably gives a syntax error and in, you have changed to \set VerticalAxisGroup = ... I would actually have expected to see \override VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = ... thr

LilyPond GIT repository now online

2006-10-28 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Hello, Over the past days Jan and I have been cleaning up GUB a lot. With this release two major new features are available: - Binary builds for cygwin. We will start distributing these shortly. - Builds directly from Git Git is the version control system developed by Linus Torvalds,

Re: documentation translation

2006-10-28 Thread Ludovic Sardain
Thank you very much, so I go back to the translation. Ludovic Jan and I have been working very hard over the last days to give our build infrastructuer an update. It should be possible, in the short run, to have an almost-single-button-push method of compiling the documentation -- Han-Wen Ni