Markus Schneider wrote:
This also applies partially to "6.4.5 Bar lines" in the current doc.
Could you link to the single-node version of this page? Loading it is
much faster than loading the all-in-one page. :)
A vis
Erik Sandberg wrote:
I think the latest 2.9 versions are incompatible with 1.6.x (I think I use
resizable hash tables somewhere in the music stream code)
Trying to compile the latest CVS version with GUILE 1.6.7, make ends with:
Paul is right, I use this config to resolve this issue:
%% Begin Snippet
#(define-public (barline-right-at-line-begin g)
"Right-align an item, but only at the start of the line."
(if (and (ly:item? g)
(equal? (ly:item-break-dir g) 1))
(ly:grob-set-property! g 'self-alignment-X RIGHT)
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Any objections if I change the current alignment of bar numbers from
right to left (so they are printed to the right (sic.) of the bar lines)?
If you mean self-alignment-X this causes the bar numbe
Markus Schneider wrote:
In the program reference regarding the bar-line-interface
there is one type of bar lines missing:
Thanks! I have added it to the documentation.
This also applies par
Any objections if I change the current alignment of bar numbers from
right to left (so they are printed to the right (sic.) of the bar lines)?
Mats Bengt