Re: Updated stream/parser todo

2006-06-28 Thread Nicolas Sceaux
Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Nicolas: Does the music display method look OK? (also I think I spotted a > harmless typo; correct me if I'm wrong) The method does look OK. ___ lilypond-devel mailing list http://lis

[PATCH] paper size

2006-06-28 Thread Guido Amoruso
Hi, setting non standard page dimensions (with paper-width, paper-height) works in the ps output, but does not in the pdf or png, because of the "-sPAPERSIZE" option passed to the "gs" command. I've made a patch to invoke gs with "-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS" and "dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS". Ciao, Guido Amorus

[PATCH] page-number-format

2006-06-28 Thread Guido Amoruso
Hi, here is a patch to choose the format of page numbers, setting a \paper variable "page-number-format" to "arabic" (default), "roman", "Roman" (see LaTeX) or to a "int->string" closure. If it if accepted, I will definitely backport it to 2.8: which is the preferred procedure in these situations

Re: support for hymns?

2006-06-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Ted Walther wrote: FEATURE TWO: Many times with hymns there will be the actual music of the hymn. But a convention in some churches is to play a few bars of the hymn, then pause, then actually play it. And possibly at the end play a coda. This helps the congregation by reminding them of th