I think it'll be very interesting to
use lilypond with e-learning environment like Caroline (http://www.claroline.net/) for Music
theory learning (and Lilypond syntax learning). Math's teachers use Mimetex
to insert image of math _expression_ into Clarol
> else
> {
> return make_line (thick, from, to);
> }
> Are you sure that the "else" branch (i.e. making a solid line) should be
> regardless of the "style" property entered only if "scm_is_number
> (dash_fraction)" evaluates to false?
I don't under
I would need for my use a software which draws the barlines over the
first note of the bars as a thin line. The barlines should not affect the
distances between the notes.
Like that:
It is hard work to hack source codes of the lilypond so that I could dr
> [CVS 2004-09-17 8:10]
> The `betweensystempadding' property doesn't work as expected if there
> are page breaks. In the example below, the first page isn't filled as
> it should be. Increase `linewidth' to 40\mm (so that only a single
> page is used), and you get
Line_interface::line says:
SCM type = me->get_property ("style");
SCM dash_fraction = me->get_property ("dash-fraction");
if (scm_is_number (dash_fraction) || type == ly_symbol2scm ("dotted-line"))
Real fraction
= type == ly_symbol2scm ("dotted-line")
[CVS 2004-09-17 8:10]
The `betweensystempadding' property doesn't work as expected if there
are page breaks. In the example below, the first page isn't filled as
it should be. Increase `linewidth' to 40\mm (so that only a single
page is used), and you get a correct result.