On Sun, 17 Nov 2002, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> ...
> > If I put all note heads in the cluster grob, then, if the spanner is
> > broken, how do I determine which of these note heads are in the current
> > broken piece of the spanner, if not using columns_scm?
> >
> The list is pruned automatica
> currently gives the same result as:
> \startCluster < f4 { a4 g } > \stopCluster
> which is musically wrong. It rather should give the same result as:
> \startCluster < { f4 f } { a4 g } > \stopCluster
> I.e. a future advanced implementation should also cons
> On Sat, 16 Nov 2002, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > ...
> >Better yet, simply store a list of note heads in the cluster grob,
> >and let the Cluster grob sort out X and Y-positions. [*]
> >
> > * The contents of columns_scm are not protected from Garbage
> >
On Sat, 16 Nov 2002, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> ...
>Better yet, simply store a list of note heads in the cluster grob,
>and let the Cluster grob sort out X and Y-positions. [*]
> * The contents of columns_scm are not protected from Garbage
>collection. Your code will make mysteriou
Also, for all people installing from RPM:s, Debian packages or
some other prepackaged form of Lilypond, the package will
hopefully install the files in some directory that's already
included in the load-path, which makes the suggested instruction
less relevant. Probably, the people who build and
Please also include a fix to the bug with wrong note heads
for chord tremolo, that was reported some week ago.
> Dear packagers of lilypond,
> please provide packages for 1.6.6 soon! I believe that my TeX stuff
> in 1.6.5 is buggy,