I just have to mention this once again:
The new beaming code is just so incredibly cool! Knees look perfect and
the french spacing is also an option that I have been missing - great it
is there now.
Accidental spacing also looks really great!
LilyPond 1.5.68 has been made available. Run setup to install:
Oh, and teTeX has been updated.
teTeX 20020530-2
* New maintainer for tetex binaries.
* New upstream release (20020530).
* Shared object libraries for tetex binaries.
Deborah Lowrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> No specific error messages were given on what files
> were incomplete via the window error
Ok, too bad.
> When I looked at the setup.log, a strange thing...
> time. (I.E. Wrong size message for
> guile-1.5.6-5.tar.bz2 was 112720 actual VS 112566
> ex