Han-Wen wrote:
> first of all, I don't see the point, in this sense: the number of
> people that will deviate from the default accidentals is so small that
> it doesn't warrant drastic additions to the syntax/semantics. (perhaps
> I said this earlier, and you replied, but I forgot your motivation
> It should be possible without any hacking to set properties in different
> contexts using the same macro.
> The burning reason for this is the accidental macros - but also other
> macros might come in handy. I.e. being able to say \clef F in start of
> the score t
This patch will fix the pedal line-lengths bug. Sorry this wasn't sent
Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /home/lilypond/lilypond/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.235
diff -p -u -r1.235 ChangeLog
--- ChangeL
> 1. must we define the package name variable somewhere?
No, that should work well by default. I don't know
the details on how configure works, so I can't say
what might have broken.
> 2. concerning the lilypond core dump, i observe that
> ly2dvi -P filename.ly
> runs like a gentleman till
> on Sat 22, June 2002 Han-Wen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > the fonts should be in /usr/local/share/lilypond/VERSION/fonts/afm/fetaxx.afm.
> > Please double check your installation.
> It is done now.
> related to this topic i found this in config.h:
> datadir=/usr