security fixes or bundled things with security fixes that
are either clearly not or that very much depend on who is defining both
"security" and "fix".
John Sullivan | Executive Director, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: A462 6CBA FF37 6039 D2D7
In countries where copyright protection is available (which does not
> include the U.S.), contributions made by U.S. Federal government
> employees are released under the License. Merged contributions from
> private contributors are released under the License. far I know they have re
subject line so that people who have not been able to track the
discussion threads can jump in, see where things stand, and still
contribute meaningfully.
It doesn't help with the uncomfortable part.
John Sullivan | Executive Director, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: A462 6CBA FF
essed by finding more
volunteer facilitators for OSI, no matter what platform is used.
(I do like Discourse, and we use it at the FSF.)
John Sullivan | Executive Director, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: A462 6CBA FF37 6039 D2D7 5544 97BA 9CE7 61A0 963B
r insight as to how the license drafter
expects the license to function. Could be especially useful for deciding
how to read any ambiguities. The process should still consider other
possible interpretations of the ambiguities, but it seems likely that
the interpretations of the license author wil