This came up for me regarding an automobile media center containing Linux
and other Free Software. It seemed to me that this part would eventually be
traded by auto dismantlers, etc. My customer was a major auto part
manufacturer with deep pockets and potentially many automobile brands
On 07/08/18 21:53, Gustavo G. Mármol wrote:
That´s to say, regardless of the quantities of commercial resellers that
it could be in a "distribution binary product´s chain" the original
distributor/manufacturer would be the party that in practical terms
would provide "the source code offer" to t
With respect to the sentence:
*"I mention the dealers and distributors because the three-year obligation
is theirs as well, but they generally have no idea how to fulfill it".*
I would agree that from GPLv2 text would emerge that commercial
redistributors must provide they own source code offer,