refore it is my hope that this gate
that is swinging in the wind closes and the maintainers are able to make a
significant jump/leap/fall forwards with code that can bootstrap once again.
Sorry for the long message but I have been lurking a lot and waiting for a
shoe to drop.
Dennis Clarke
- Original Message -
From: Bob Friesenhahn
Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 9:57 am
Subject: [sr #108201] libtool problems with -export-symbols-regex on solaris
with gcc-4.7.x
To: Richard PALO , Bob Friesenhahn
> Follow-up Comment #2, sr #108201 (project libtool):
> If you don't need fortran, just disable it with
> F77=no
> FC=no
> in the environment. Otherwise, you could perhaps try to point them to
> GNU fortran. But I know next to nothing about fortran, and it has been a long
> time since I used it, so what do I know?
Well you seem to know precis
Firstly, I am willingto look at a git clone but I would prefer to work with a
version that is considered "stable" and "released" and not alpha or beta grade.
However, having said that :
$ uname -a
SunOS node002 5.10 Generic_147440-23 sun4v sparc SUNW,T5240
$ cc -V
cc: Sun C 5.12 SunOS_sparc 2