[Libreoffice] A file to show 8192 discontinuities crashes Calc

2010-12-22 Thread r_ouellette
I often use a file to show that Calc doesn't have the 8192 discontinuities limit as in Excel (see http://smurfonspreadsheets.wordpress.com/2007/04/30/1-million-rows/). Until OOo 3.2.1 I can use my example file, with OOo 3.3RCx and now LibreOffice 3.3 Calc crashes. As I can't join my example file,

Re: [Libreoffice] A file to show 8192 discontinuities crashes Calc

2011-01-06 Thread r_ouellette
Like I said earlier, I submitted also this bug to OpenOffice.org and it was marked as RESOLVED yesterday. See http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=116164 http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=116164 I don't know how are the contacts (if any) between LO developers and OOo

Re: [Libreoffice] A file to show 8192 discontinuities crashes Calc

2011-01-28 Thread r_ouellette
Well, no luck :-( I checked with LO 3.3 final version (RC4) and the problem remains... It is a regression from previous OpenOffice.org (before LO) where the file was correctly calculated. Raymond -- View this message in context: http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/A-file-to-show-8192-disconti

Regression - LO Writer 4.0

2013-02-18 Thread r_ouellette
I'm using Writer since 2006 (it was then OpenOffice.org's version) for a statistical document of 262 pages. You can see the result at http://www.mels.gouv.qc.ca/sections/publications/index.asp?page=fiche&id=67 -- The d

Re: Regression - LO Writer 4.0

2013-02-19 Thread r_ouellette
Thank you Miklos and Jan for your suggestions. I'm a power user of different office applications (like LO -- and OOo since it's debut) but Im not a programmer. Bibisect seems interesting but anyhow quite heavy to install, even in a virtual machine... Maybe I'll give it a try. The regression I ob

Re: Regression - LO Writer 4.0

2013-02-20 Thread r_ouellette
I'm using LO version (Build ID: 2c0c17a6e4bee0ee28131ea4bdc47edc700d659) since more than 3 hours on the same 262 pages long Writer document and the problem seems solved! LO 64 bits linux .deb version. Fluidity is back (like 3.6.x versions). I'll do the same check on win32 version when avai

Re: Regression - LO Writer 4.0

2013-02-21 Thread r_ouellette
I confirm that fluidity is back also on win32 version (winxp at the office), LO Raymond -- View this message in context: http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Regression-LO-Writer-4-0-tp4038481p4039356.html Sent from the Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _

LibO can't launch internal help

2013-12-04 Thread r_ouellette
I had the same behavior with beta1. Right now I'm using: Version: Build ID: 1a27be92e320f97c20d581a69ef1c8b99ea9885d 64 bits, Ubuntu-Linux 13.10. I installed also the two french tar.gz packages for localisation and for help. A few strings don't appear in french (mostly in the

Re: Default LO to show no splash screen?

2015-09-30 Thread r_ouellette
I always remove the splash screen by changing the value of line 3 of */opt/libreoffice5.0/program/sofficerc* from Logo=*1 *to Logo=*0* So look for sofficerc (Linux version) or soffice.ini (Windows version) or ?? (MacOS version -- I don't have access to this OS). Splash screens are, for me, an old