Dear Sir,
I would like to take part in this year gsoc project as this is going to be my
first open-source project contribution. Please subscribe this mail to your
list. Looking forward for the amazing journey ahead. Thank you.
Please sign me up for the developer's mailing list. Additionally, I'm
currently working on an autocorrect file that will automatically write
chemical formulas for scientists (particularly chemists, but I'm going to
move on to other things as well). If that's a good idea, please get in
> Hey,
> I am Amitoj Singh. I am using Libre office from last 3years and now I
> want to make contribution in this organization. As I am currently
> working on Webtool kit(c++framework), Qt. So can I have a list of
> ideas or projects.
> Thanks
> cheers!!
These pages may be helpful to get
I am Amitoj Singh. I am using Libre office from last 3years and now I
want to make contribution in this organization. As I am currently
working on Webtool kit(c++framework), Qt. So can I have a list of
ideas or projects.
"Never repeat yourself"
Amitoj singh
I wish to register on the list of project developers "LibreOffice".
Thank you in advance !
Jérémy Lefèvre (a french user)
LibreOffice mailing list
Hi there,
Hopefully someone helped you already on this; the best way to subscribe
is to fill in your mail address here:
Hope that helps :-)
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Hi Someone :-)
On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 21:41 -0800, wrote:
> Uh, can you un-subscribe/filter this person until he returns or asks to
> re-subscribe? I got this auto reply directly after posting my previous
> message to the list... :/ He says he won't be back
Uh, can you un-subscribe/filter this person until he returns or asks to
re-subscribe? I got this auto reply directly after posting my previous
message to the list... :/ He says he won't be back until the 15th... Thanks.
This must be getting sent to everyone who posts? Or maybe I'