Simon Arlott licence statement

2025-02-16 Thread Simon Arlott
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual licence. -- Simon Arlott

Alin Andrei Abahnencei Licence Statement

2024-12-05 Thread Alin Abahnencei
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Cheers, Alin

Gokulakrishnan Shankar: licence statement

2023-03-02 Thread Gokulakrishnan Shankar
Greetings! I hereby declare my license statement: "All of my past and future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license." (Ref:

Czeber László Ádám licence statement

2023-02-28 Thread László Czeber
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license.

Kelesidis Greg licence statement

2023-02-04 Thread Gregory Kelesidis
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license.

Licence statement

2021-09-04 Thread Juan C. Sanz
   All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be    licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. -- *Juan C. Sanz*

Balázs Sántha - licence statement

2021-02-26 Thread Balázs Sántha
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Balázs Sántha - licence statement

2020-11-04 Thread Balázs Sántha
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. -- Sántha Balázs ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Attila Bánhegyi licence statement

2020-07-06 Thread Bánhegyi Attila Imre
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Figyelmeztetés Ez az e-mail üzenet, a fenti címzetteknek szánt, üzleti titoktartás alá eső bizalmas információkat tartalmaz. Téves kézbesítés esetén kér

Rutuja Bhagwan Kendre licence statement

All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

İLT: licence statement

2020-01-25 Thread serkan ozkaya
Windows 10 için Posta<> ile gönderildi Kimden: serkan ozkaya<> Gönderilme: 25 Ocak 2020 Cumartesi 12:20 Kime:<> Konu: lice

licence statement

2020-01-25 Thread serkan ozkaya
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Eda Nur Var Licence Statement

2020-01-25 Thread Eda Nur Var
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Ritchie Cunningham - Licence Statement.

2019-04-17 Thread Ritchie Cunningham
Ritchie Cunningham - All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Ritchie Cunningham.___ LibreOffice mailing list

Réka Csékei licence statement

2018-10-02 Thread Réka Csékei
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licenced under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual licence. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Victor Walker licence statement

2018-08-20 Thread Victor Walker
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Arawa - licence statement

2018-07-04 Thread Philippe Hemmel
Hi For the record : All contributions past and present made to LibreOffice from Arawa are available under the terms the MPL / LGPLv3+. Until further notice, future contributions made to LibreOffice from Arawa are available under the terms the MPL / LGPLv3+. Best regards Philippe Founder _

Ülkem Kasapoğlu licence statement

2018-06-22 Thread Ülkem Kasapoğlu
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Sam Oldham licence statement

2017-11-05 Thread Sam Oldham
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Furkan Tokac Licence Statement

2017-10-27 Thread furkantokac34
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license.___ LibreOffice mailing list

Gersona licence statement

2017-09-27 Thread gersona ANDRIANARIJAONA
I'm glad I'm going to contribute to product I love For the need of formalities, now that All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Gersona ___ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice@li

Seke Kazuru licence statement

2017-08-20 Thread Seke Kazuru
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Licence statement

2017-08-12 Thread Sophia Schröder
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license, including contributed under my former (male) name / nick: David Schröder / davediddly Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen Sophia Schröder ___ Lib

Serdar Oktay TUNÇ licence statement

2017-08-05 Thread serdar tunc
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Claudio Pannacci licence statement

2017-05-27 Thread Claudio Pannacci
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Brock licence statement

2017-05-14 Thread Brock Jones
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Tietz, Werner alias karolus; Licence statement

2017-04-11 Thread karlooforum
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Werner Tietz alias karolus ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Tietz, Werner Licence statement

2017-04-11 Thread Werner Tietz
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Werner Tietz ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Fatih Karagoz licence statement

2017-02-09 Thread Jan Iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. We suggest you add yourself to our wiki (remark this is not a demand) If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting

Fatih Karagoz licence statement

2017-02-09 Thread Fatih Karagöz
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Murat Özer Licence Statement

2017-02-09 Thread Jan Iversen
Welcome message sent, but our mail server claims mail addr is unknown. rgds jan I. > On 9 Feb 2017, at 10:51, Murat Özer <> wrote: > >All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be >licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. > >

Re: Berk Sudan Licence Statement

2017-02-09 Thread Jan Iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. We suggest you add yourself to our wiki (remark this is not a demand) If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting

Re: Muhammed Kadir Karakoc Licence Statement

2017-02-09 Thread Jan Iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. We suggest you add yourself to our wiki (remark this is not a demand) If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting

Berk Sudan Licence Statement

2017-02-09 Thread Berk Sudan
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Muhammed Kadir Karakoc Licence Statement

2017-02-09 Thread Muhammed Kadir Karakoc
To the extent possible under law, I waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to my past & future contributions to LibreOffice: -- Muhammed Kadir KARAKOÇ Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi e-mail :

Murat Özer Licence Statement

2017-02-09 Thread Murat Özer
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Furkan Ahmet KARA licence statement

2017-02-09 Thread Jan Iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. We suggest you add yourself to our wiki (remark this is not a demand) If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting

Re: Recep Ahmet Sarıtekin Licence Statement

2017-02-09 Thread Jan Iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. We suggest you add yourself to our wiki (remark this is not a demand) If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting

Re: Kemran Davrishov Licence Statement

2017-02-09 Thread Jan Iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. We suggest you add yourself to our wiki (remark this is not a demand) If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting

Furkan Ahmet KARA licence statement

2017-02-09 Thread furkanahmet kara
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Furkan Ahmet KARA ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Kemran Davrishov Licence Statement

2017-02-09 Thread Kemran Davrishov
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Recep Ahmet Sarıtekin Licence Statement

2017-02-09 Thread Recep Ahmet
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Recep Ahmet Sarıtekin Prep Student of Computer Science Department of Computer Engineering Mugla Sitki Kocman University, 48000, Mugla, TURKEY___

Re: Christoph Schäfer licence statement

2016-12-21 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Christoph, On 21/12/16 05:34, "Christoph Schäfer" wrote: > All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed > under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license, except for test files I > contribute to the Document Liberation Project, which may have been > created and provided by third pa

Re: Christoph Schäfer licence statement

2016-12-21 Thread Jan Iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. We suggest you add yourself to our wiki (remark this is not a demand) If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting

Christoph Schäfer licence statement

2016-12-20 Thread Christoph Schäfer
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license, except for test files I contribute to the Document Liberation Project, which may have been created and provided by third parties and for which I may have no authority to relicense. Christo

Re: Abhishek Pandey licence statement

2016-11-28 Thread Jan Iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. We suggest you add yourself to our wiki (remark this is not a demand) If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting

Abhishek Pandey licence statement

2016-11-28 Thread Abhishek Pandey
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPlv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Abhishek Pandey Licence Statement

2016-11-28 Thread Abhishek Pandey
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPlv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Toye, Peter licence statement

2016-11-08 Thread Jan Iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. I have added you to our wiki: If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting their first patch submitted. LibreOffi

Toye, Peter licence statement

2016-11-06 Thread Peter Toye
To whom it may concern: All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. My wiki user name is ptoye. My email addresses vary. For general LO issues it is, for Git issues it is, for Gerrit it is ger...@ptoye

Re: Pierre Lepage Licence Statement

2016-09-26 Thread Jan Iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. I have added you to our wiki: If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting their first patch submitted. LibreOffi

Pierre Lepage Licence Statement

2016-09-22 Thread Pierre Lepage
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Pierre Lepage ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Re: 蘇芃之 licence statement

2016-08-23 Thread jan iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. I have added you to our wiki: If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting their first patch submitted. LibreOffi

蘇芃之 licence statement

2016-08-21 Thread Sophie Su
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Daniël van Vuuren licence statement

2016-06-17 Thread jan iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. I have added you to our wiki: If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting their first patch submitted. LibreOffi

Daniël van Vuuren licence statement

2016-06-16 Thread Daniël van Vuuren
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Greetings from Holland, Daniël van Vuuren ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Regis Perdreau licence statement

2016-06-15 Thread Regis Perdreau
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Regards, Régis Perdreau ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Prashant Lokhande Licence Statement

2016-05-15 Thread jan iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. I have added you to our wiki: If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting their first patch submitted. LibreOffi

Prashant Lokhande Licence Statement

2016-05-15 Thread Prashant Lokhande
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Thanks Prashant ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Licence statement

2016-04-05 Thread X Roemer
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Regards, Xaver. Am 03.04.2016 um 23:38 schrieb jan iversen: WELCOME you have added yourself to our wiki: please be informed, t

Patel Darshit licence statement

2016-03-28 Thread dextro
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Dev mailing list archive at Nabble

licence statement

2016-03-19 Thread b . nazir
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Richard Sempere licence statement

2016-03-18 Thread thereisanemail
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license.___ LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Jaskaran Singh licence statement

2016-02-22 Thread jan iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. I have added you to our wiki: If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting their first patch submitted. LibreOffi

Jaskaran Singh licence statement

2016-02-18 Thread Jaskaran Singh
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual licence. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Re: Arnold Dumas licence statement

2016-02-17 Thread jan iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. I have added you to our wiki: If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting their first patch submitted. LibreOffi

Re: Gaurav Dhingra licence statement

2016-02-17 Thread jan iversen
WELCOME Thanks for your license statement. I have added you to our wiki: If you want help to get started or have any questions, then please contact me. I am here to help you (and others) in getting their first patch submitted. LibreOffi

Arnold Dumas licence statement

2016-02-13 Thread Arnold Dumas
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Gaurav Dhingra licence statement

2016-02-12 Thread Gaurav Dhingra
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Enes Ateş - licence statement

2015-03-19 Thread Enes Ateş
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. -- Enes Ateş ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Copyright Licence Statement

2014-11-22 Thread Jonathan Riddell
I've submitted a patch to add a Breeze icon theme to LibreOffice for use with KDE Plasma 5. All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. The icons themselves are GPL2+. The Tango icons are

Licence statement

2014-08-01 Thread Heiko Scheidt
Hi all, all of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Regards, Heiko Scheidt ___ LibreOffice mailing list

J. Fernando Lagrange - licence statement

2014-02-09 Thread J. Fernando Lagrange
Hello LibreOffice developers, All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. @+ J. Fernando Lagrange signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ LibreOffice mailing list LibreO

Tim Richardson (timrichardson) My licence statement

2013-06-03 Thread Tim Richardson
All of my past& future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. signed Tim Richardson, June 04, 2013 at Abbotsford, Melbourne Australia. registered email address is registered IRC freenode nick is timrichardson _

Licence Statement

2013-04-19 Thread Janit Anjaria
Hey! Here is my licence statement: All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license. Regards, Janit ___ LibreOffice mailing list http://lists.freedesktop

Licence statement

2013-03-27 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour
Hi all, all of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPL/LGPLv3+ dual license. Regards, Jacqueline Rahemipour ___ LibreOffice mailing list

licence statement

2013-03-26 Thread petr_kraus
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPL/LGPLv3+ dual license. Regards -- Petr Kraus ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Licence Statement.

2013-03-25 Thread Moritz Kütt
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPL/LGPLv3+ dual license. Cheers, Moritz ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Licence Statement

2013-03-14 Thread Artur Dryomov
Hi, Just a usual notice is here. All of my past and future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPL/LGPLv3+ dual license. Regards, Artur. ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Licence statement

2012-10-29 Thread Dávid Vastag
Hello Here is a statement about my contributions to the LibreOffice project: All of my past and future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPL/LGPLv3+ dual license. Regards, Dávid Vastag ___ LibreOffice ma

blank licence statement

2012-05-16 Thread Alexandre Fournier
To whom it may concern I, Alexandre Fournier, accept that All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPL/LGPLv3+ dual license. Regards, A.F. ___ LibreOffice mailing list http://lists.

Licence statement

2012-05-04 Thread Nigel Hawkins
Hi all, All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be licensed under the MPL/LGPLv3+ dual license Nigel Hawkins ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Licence Statement

2012-04-17 Thread Artur Dorda
Hello, All past, present and future contributions by me to the LibreOffice project are under LGPLv3+/GPLv3+/MPL until further notice. Best regards, Artur Dorda ___ LibreOffice mailing list

Licence Statement

2012-04-17 Thread Andrzej J. R. Hunt
All past, present and future contributions by me to the LibreOffice project are under LGPLv3+/GPLv3+/MPL until further notice. Regards, Andrzej Hunt ___ LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Licence statement

2012-01-11 Thread Tzvetelina Tzeneva
The code I wrote for Libre Office as part of the Google Summer Of Code 2009 program is under MPL1.1+ / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+ . Tzvetelina Tzeneva ___ LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Licence statement

2012-01-06 Thread Markus Mohrhard
Hey, just in case that I really did not yet sent a licence statement. I provide all past and all future contributions to Libreoffice under the terms of the LGPLv3+ and MPL license. Regards, Markus ___ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice