Calc Solvers Info Doc/wiki page Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-19 Thread Drew Jensen
Howdy, Adding The Documentation ML to the thread. Quick recap for the folks on the list: Currently the LibreOffice wiki includes under the FAQs section a question on Calc Solvers. The answer in the second sentence, for languages other then French, r

Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-18 Thread Drew Jensen
Great - well for now we can use an odt file to draft the content. Added this section for COINMP in Solvers section: --- CoinMP The CoinMP optimizer is an open source solver, it is part of the COIN-OR project which is an initiative to spur the development of open-source software for

Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-18 Thread Stephen Fanning
Drew, Many thanks for your efforts in trying to get to the bottom of this. I think that putting the information on the wiki is a good idea. The relevant chapter of the Calc Guide (Chapter 9, Data Analysis) is already very thick and would not benefit from being expanded further to include more sol

Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-17 Thread Drew Jensen
HI, Well, I noticed something aside from the Guide and that is the FAQ over on the wiki. Now, it turns out that the French version of that FAQ points to a page (first link on the page) on the TDF wiki but none of the other languages do. They poin

Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-16 Thread Drew Jensen
This is an interesting point of differentiation. Reviewing some of the tools yesterday and this morning; AOO with 1 solver engine in default install (4.2 pre-release binary); OnlyOffice (latest desktop Linux binary) has no Solver equivalent in either the desktop binary or the cloud version, not th

Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-16 Thread Drew Jensen
Well here is something Looking at the help file for version 7 the final text box states that 'only linear solvers are in the default installation'. However 7.0 Alpha1 build adds a choice of, 'LibreOfficeDev Sw

Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-15 Thread Stephen Fanning
Kohei and Drew, Many thanks for getting back to me on this topic. For the 6.4 update to the Calc Guide, I will follow Kohei's advice that it is probably beyond the scope of the document to provide guidance on how to select a solver. I'll try to make some time before the 7.0 Calc Guide update to

Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-14 Thread Drew Jensen
Tonight took the LO 7 alpha1 file and the one example workbook from that Excel tutorial and ran each of the five solver engines. For sure the LO CoinMP and LO Linear choices are crazy faster then DEPS and SCO (The firth choice Swarm non-linear is just as quick but the results are kaka, but it does

Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-14 Thread Drew Jensen
hmm - there are bits and pieces here and there. For example the first two choices (DEPS & SCO) have some explanation over at AOO wiki If that is still relevant for LibreOffice I can't say, but likely. CoinMD (which I assume here is type of Coin-MP) has a

Re: Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-14 Thread Kohei Yoshida
On 10.05.2020 10:59, Stephen Fanning wrote: What guidance can I insert into the Calc Guide to help the user if he wonders which algorithm to select? This is strictly my personal opinion. Which optimization solver to pick really depends on the characteristics of the data being optimized, how

Calc solvers - what to say in the Calc Guide

2020-05-10 Thread Stephen Fanning
All, Can anybody advise me please? In 6.4, Calc seems to offer a choice of five different solvers, these are: - DEPS Evolutionary Algorithm. - SCO Evolutionary Algorithm. - LibreOffice CoinMP Linear Solver. - LibreOffice Linear Solver. - Libre Office Swarm Non-Liner Solver (exper