*Original post on Users*:
I've experienced the following issue:
The file attached is an .ODS file (1,976 KB). When seved as .XLSX file it
expands to more than 15 MB.
If the new .XLSX files is oppened with MSOffice 2013 it will ask for
recovery of information within the file, after that
Hi John:
Thanks for the information. Iĺl check about it.
I think PORTEUS can be another portable version that can be used by LO, for
those who use the linux environment.
Ramon E. Tavarez
View this message in context:
I've use the portable version of LibreOffice for Windows OS, but does anyone
knows if LibreOffice for Linux can be installed and run on the Linux's
portable version: Porteus?
I want to use LibO on that OS (Linux on a Pendrive), but I don't know if
it's possible, or wath to do to make it possi