[Libreoffice] Leading cures at dirt low cost prices!

2011-05-15 Thread Frederic
Special price for full love making equipmentage. http://consorziocoas.it/a1n2s4d.html ___ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice

[Libreoffice] Koнтpоль зa качеством paботы с клиeнтами.

2011-05-15 Thread Допoлнительные услуги . Формирование ceти
> УПPАBЛЕНИЕ ОТДEЛОМ ПPOДАЖ > Тpенинг • 19 мaя • 2011 г. > г. Kиев • бульв. Шевчeнко, 4 • отeль «Cанкт-Пeтербург» > Тeл.: (044) 223-4882, 223-5141 -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Oтбирaя людeй, ищитe тaлaнт, a нe прocто oпыт, интеллeкт или xa

[Libreoffice] [REVIEW]

2011-05-15 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi List, Hi Caolan, could you please review the attached patch? I pushed it to master as: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/filters/commit/?id=883e8dbbe6f54a3002ce04d4d03a2d727ee4e2fa and would like to have it cherrypicked at least to the 3.4 branch. Best Regards, Bjoern Michaelsen -- h

Re: [Libreoffice] How to catch the following events: OnAlphaCharInput, OnInsertStart, OnInsertDone, OnNonAlphaCharInput

2011-05-15 Thread John Gillanders
Hello all, I found out that the OnAlphaCharInput and OnNonAlphaCharInput events are only relevant to Frame objects, so do not do what I was hoping for, and OnInsertStart and OnInsertDone are related to AutoText objects, so these also do not do what I was hoping for. What I am actually trying t

[Libreoffice] Личнoстный pост

2011-05-15 Thread Oбучениe сотpудников – это рост компании
18 мaя. ПPOВЕРКИ ПO-НОВОМУ: K ЧEМУ ГOТOBИТЬСЯ. Зaщита интepeсов пpедпpиятия oт прoтивоправной дeятeльности пpедcтавителей кoнтpoлирующих и пpaвoохранительных opганов. 19 мaя. Оpгaнизация бюджетногo упрaвления в кoмпaнии. 19 мaя. Упpaвлeние oтдeлом пpодаж. 20 мaя. М

[Libreoffice] [GSoC] weekly report #-1

2011-05-15 Thread Matúš Kukan
Hi, I've created minimalistic patch (see attached) to enable moving res/commandimagelist to cmd. It's now working, although there's one problem. If something should be done with the perl scripts in packimages/pack/makefile.mk I would remove diffmv.pl because I don't see any reason for it's existe

Re: [Libreoffice] [PLEASE REVIEW] Fix for bug 33781 => No anti-aliasing in metafiles when anchor is "as char"

2011-05-15 Thread Roland Baudin
OK, nice to see someone has answered! The purpose of the patch is simply to check if antialiasing is enabled (in Libreoffice options) and then, when drawing the metafile, the object is antialiased. This was forgotten when the object is abchored as char. RB Le 15/05/2011 22:40, Jean-Baptiste F

Re: [Libreoffice] [PLEASE REVIEW] Fix for bug 33781 => No anti-aliasing in metafiles when anchor is "as char"

2011-05-15 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure
Le 14/05/2011 10:39, Roland Baudin a écrit : > Here is a *very small and easy patch* (three lines) that fixes a nasty > bug in writer : metafile drawings are not antialiased when anchored as > char. This is a great problem when dealing with Latex equations in text > (see attached file). > > The pa

[Libreoffice] Online help [GSoC] [helpfiles]

2011-05-15 Thread Timo
Hello, I would like to have access to the api of the online help mediawiki. The API looks like this: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/w/api.php How can I reach this on http://help.libreoffice.org/? Regards, Timo ___ LibreOffice mailing list Libre

[Libreoffice] about bug fdo 36519 ("writer8" instead of "ODF Text" in options UI)

2011-05-15 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure
Hi, I try to fix the bug fdo 36519. With the help of Cédric I found that commenting four lines in ../clone/components/cui/source/options/optsave.cxx solves the problem. Precisely the four lines are else if(!pProperties[nProp].Name.compareToAscii("Name")) { pProperties[

[Libreoffice] about ooslapsh.bin

2011-05-15 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure
Hi, I have a problem with oosplash.bin, both with LibO 3.4 beta-x and my own builds under Ubuntu 10.04 x86-64 : oosplash.bin does not quit, system monitor says it is waiting : futex_wait_queue_me. After a moment of inactivity the value "waiting channel" in the system monitor becomes 0 and oosplash