Here is an example of using interrupts with USB. This is on an STM32F1. The
name of the interrupt may be different on the F4.
This is the main:
Looks cool.
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Karl P wrote:
> So, there's been no logo for... well, ever. And I got a bit sick of the
> github
> autogenerated icon (useful as they are) and hacked up something rather gross.
> But, then "brabo"[1] on IRC said he would speak to one of his collea
I need a key/value store for my project. I thought that there might be some
database available that I could use. I don't need anything as complex as
SQL but I would like the store to be resilient to power loss during
Does anybody have experience with any databases in a libopencm3
I wrote this SDIO driver for the F103 for my own project. Feel free to use
it if you find it helpful:
On Sat Mar 15 2014 at 4:25:17 AM, Марко Краљевић
> Do you have this code in a repo somewhere? How
I'm using an stm32f1 and scb_reset_system() works for me when called from
an isr. Writing to the register doesn't reset immediately, that's why there
is while 1 after it.
On Jan 26, 2014 3:18 AM, "Michael Smith" wrote:
> On 25 Jan 2014, at 11:05 pm, Chuck McManis
> wrote:
> > Wow, what a funny
Would you be willing to share your SDIO example code? It would be very
helpful to me on my project.
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