El Wed, 15 May 2013 17:47:58 -0300
Fernando escribió:
> Apologies for sending to the wrong list.
> # cat /etc/lfs-release
> SVN-20130512
> 64bit, built with jhalfs
> I am worried about this:
> Either as normal user or as root:
> env LANG=C xzless
> /home/fernando/Downloads/blfs/links-2.7-
El Wed, 15 May 2013 16:12:15 -0500
William Harrington escribió:
> On May 15, 2013, at 4:12 PM, Matias A. Fonzo wrote:
> > Seems the `less' of busybox, the output of `less -V' is:
> >
> > less 451 (POSIX regular expressions)
> > [..]
> >
Hi there,
El Mon, 2 Sep 2013 10:24:06 +0800
邓尧 escribió:
> Using musl-libc ( www.musl-libc.org ) instead of glibc as the
> system's C library seems to be possible, since google showed some
> such systems. Anyone knows how to build such a system or have any
> suggestions on building such a system