[lfs-support] BLFS Version 7.4 is released

2013-09-13 Thread Bruce Dubbs
After five years, The BLFS Team is happy to present version 7.4 of Beyond Linux From Scratch. This version includes approximately 750 packages beyond the base Linux From Scratch Version 7.4 book. Keeping up to date with released packages that are useful to users is a challenge. On average, thre

Re: [lfs-support] [blfs-dev] BLFS Version 7.4 is released

2013-09-13 Thread MENGUAL Jean-Philippe
Hi guys, Congratulations! it's a great event! Very very good thing! I answer here to tell you that the blfs book, translated into French and maintained by Denis Mugnier, is released too. We are very happy with collaborating with the project and staying as synchronous as we are. Thanks and I ho