martin welsh wrote:
> The resonse to the 'make' instruction is;
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/lfs/sources/bash-3.2$ make
> yacc -d ./parse.y
> make: yacc: Command not found
> make: *** [] Error 127
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/lfs/sources/bash-3.2$ "
This one comes up fairly often, but I just checked
The resonse to the 'make' instruction is;
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/lfs/sources/bash-3.2$ make
yacc -d ./parse.y
make: yacc: Command not found
make: *** [] Error 127
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/lfs/sources/bash-3.2$ "
I have repeated the 'configure' instruction and that finishes as;
"config.status: cre