>Did you set up the home environment like chapter 4 specifies? There are a few
>new variables which are needed, like $LFS_TGT over LFS 6.4.
I went back to chapter 4 and started over again, this time cutting and pasting
(not typing) and I fixed my compile error. Now glibc compiled and installed
>Did you set up the home environment like chapter 4 specifies? There are a few
>new variables which are needed, like $LFS_TGT over >LFS 6.4.
Yes, thanks, I followed the directions exactly in chapter 4. I suppose I could
run them again.
On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Vera, Pedro L. wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm using LFS 6.5, in an old laptop running a Debian derivative (Antix),
> and I'm running into a problem with Section 5.7 Glibc-2.10.1. After typing
> 'make' it runs for a while but it eventually stops with the following error: