There are two issues I found regarding the creation of the
lfs user (chapter 4.3). All cases are from opensuse hosts.
First, the command used to create the user:
useradd -s /bin/bash -g lfs -m -k /dev/null lfs
does not return 0, since it fails to copy from /dev/null.
I noticed this when run
>> from my original message
> from reply by Bruce Dubbs
>> useradd -s /bin/bash -g lfs -m -k /dev/null lfs
>> does not return 0, since it fails to copy from /dev/null.
The return value us 12. ('echo $?' gives 12)
> Does 'SKEL_DIR=/dev/null useradd -s /bin/bash -g lfs -m lfs' work?
Since NIST doesn't host expect anymore, and sourceforge doesn't
have version 5.43.0, the new download url
should probably add to the 6.6 errata page.
Additionally, NIST returns its "NIST Error Page" with a "20
O.k. I'll jump in and risk the consequences...
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 7:01 AM, Jeremy Huntwork
> It's interesting what logs will show.
> For instance, the access logs for community.linuxfromscratch.org show 117
> unique
> IP addresses viewing the site yesterday, and 76 unique IPs today
Thanks Jeremy,
Since the reply was mostly of the agree/disagree/interesting
variation, I'll just
comment on some random points.
> Thanks for this, this is exactly the sort of discussion I was after...
That's good.
> It's over 500 distinct email addresses.
This implies that the list is alive in
Thanks Bruce,
>>> From a previous discussion here, I got the impression the people
>>> use their own scripts to automate lfs.
> That's part of the learning process.
A fair point, but it sets a pretty high standard for even building a second
time, and likely loses many potential developers who b
Andrew wrote:
> I think that's a difference of perspective. Automated building and a
> package manager are important if you think LFS is a distro, however,
> many of us think of LFS as an education tool that forces the user to
> think hard about system building
Not exactly. No package management m
Thanks DJ,
On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 3:19 AM, DJ Lucas wrote:
> The problem with package management is that one flavor or the other is
> not perfect for everyone. I personally prefer a simple tar.gz package
Since, as Bruce and others mentioned, package management is not
necessary for the LFS sys
Dan wrote:
> I hope no one resents my "uninformed" intrusion into this discussion.
> This may be long, so I ask forgiveness in advance.
Don't worry about either count. Such discussions are often between
developers or potential developers, and the views of the "regular users"
is forgotten. It is re
> I have a question regarding Chapter 5 Bzip2 build.
> When you compile Bzip2 you only issue make. But how do I tell it that the
> compiler I want to use is the gcc compiled in the /tools/ directory? Am I
> missing something?
Remember that you set your PATH to include /tools/ before the
normal hos
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 8:51 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> I've noticed that there is a spurious file, /t, created in the latest
> builds of LFS. The file is 2 bytes long, a 0xff followed by a newline.
> It is a file generated by one of the tests in grep. I'm not sure how to
> find which test.
I w
> I agree, but my point is, does it harm to state it? For example it
> might go well in the page header:
> Approximate build time: 0.1 SBU
> Required disk space: 511 MB
> Package: linux-3.0.4.tar.gz
> (The linux package is just an example, I would do this for all packages)
I second this sugges
On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 11:32 PM, Pierre Labastie
> Hi,
> Not long ago, I had some problems with the building of check, which
> I traced back to some problem with binutils pass2 (see
> http://linuxfromscratch.org/pipermail/lfs-dev/2012-December/067444.html).
> But it seemed that nobody ha
On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 9:05 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> It now sounds like a problem with a 32-bit system on 64-bit hardware.
My report was on a 64 bit system on a 64-bit virtual box.
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