on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at 7:56 Gerard Beekmans wrote:
" Maybe a change that combines both and use the old Bugzilla Subject method:
" [LFS Ticket #abc] Summary here
" [BLFS Ticket #def] Summary here
" and so forth.
If I may suggest, the stuff in the square brackets
on Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 10:56 Bruce Dubbs wrote:
" Actually dialout is a bit dated too. Who uses a modem any more? Not
" anyone I know.
I, being stuck out here in the boonies and for other reasons, still use
dialup. I'm also using vgetty to set up a smart answering machine. (I
on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 7:07 TheOldFellow wrote:
" provided
" the educational stuff is retained.
But /what/ educational stuff? The LFS slogan is your distro - your
rules but the way the educational stuff in lfs works seems to me to
more often resemble YOUR education - OUR choices
on Friday, February 29, 2008 at 12:28 Benjamin John wrote:
" there, what I want is how to build my own system
As one of the ones "to be educated", and when I'm learning by
breaking and by doing again, and again, and yet again, what I
fantasize and dream about, from the learning point of view,
on Friday, February 29, 2008 at 7:15 R.Quenett wrote:
" the time to learn everything all at once, especially without an easy
" way of starting over right at the very beginning. Maybe it's not
correction: without going right back to the very beginning
Pay your own bills.
on Monday, May 19, 2008 at 9:46 Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
" What's even more important for educational purposes, Debian rules are
" between various Debian packages.
As one of those being educated by all of this (in more ways than you can
possibly imagine, a genuine and heartfel
Archaic wrote:
" We need your input. This is meant to be a community effort. Please read
" and reply with comments and/or suggestions.
I am not competent to comment on the hlfs project but I am competent
to comment on how I might use it. So, from that pov only, fwiw, I
offer the following.
on Friday, May 27, 2005 at 7:58 Archaic wrote:
" setups should be handled in hints and *not* in the book. Too many layers
" of abstraction will turn people off. What's the purpose of supporting
" more methods if it turns off the core audience of the book? I think we
" need to really con