Hi, all!
I'm joining the effort started here:
Current setup: LFS+6.1.1 (but with old LFS-6.0 bootscripts).
Jim's udev rules: http://ftp.jg555.com/udev/udev-cross-lfs.tar.bz2
The way I work:
Hi, all!
I've passed through roadmap in the wiki. Some comments on the following line:
* make (no known compatible alternatives, any issues with 3.80?)
There is actually one problem with make-3.80. I've pointed it out
about a year ago during LFS-6.0 test phase. Read more here:
I've checked the issue with make-3.81beta3 - it works just fine. I
hope they'll release it soon.
About 'Big super duper big Makefile' :) I've phrased it this way for
sake of simplicity. Actually, we've develop some sort of build system
for LFS. We have one general Makefile, which loads and eval'ua
Hi, all!
As far as I see, there is a bug in OpenSSH+Heimdal instructions (charter 21):
Its saying:
If you use Heimdal as your Kerberos5 implementation and you linked the
Heimdal libraries into the build using the --with-kerberos5 parameter,
you'll need to modify the Makefile or the build will fai