Hello there.
I've just finished upgrading ISC DHCP to latest version and did some
major improvements to the server boot script and client network service.
I did not, however, test the network service because I don't have
ifup/ifdown from LFS. DHCP Server script seems to work. If there's
In the latest gcc, the regression tests are pretty good. I did need to
increase the stack size again to handle the torture tests, but the only
FAIL that I get is in the well known and documented libmudflap
When I examine the test log, I do get an Error early:
On Sun, Jul 01, 2012 at 11:21:44AM -0700, Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> Fun fun fun. :-)
> Andrew Benton wrote:
> > test-installation.pl failed with an error:
> >
> > root:/sources/glibc-2.16.0# CC="gcc" /usr/bin/perl
> > scripts/test-installation.pl /sources/glibc-build/
> > Unmatched ( in regex; m
> Bryan, you were perspicacious. I've just spent a few hours
> re-energising my limited perl knowledge. First, to try to
> instrument test-installation.pl, then to understand what is
> happening.
> When the ld.so regexp triggers on x86_64, the line contains:
> ld.so-version=$(if $(abi-64-ld
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 08:31:36PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> >
> > When the ld.so regexp triggers on x86_64, the line contains:
> > ld.so-version=$(if $(abi-64-ld-soname),$(abi-64-ld-soname),ld.so.1)
> >
> > My initial reaction when I saw that was unprintable - I still have
> > no idea where
Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 08:31:36PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>>>When the ld.so regexp triggers on x86_64, the line contains:
>>> ld.so-version=$(if $(abi-64-ld-soname),$(abi-64-ld-soname),ld.so.1)
>>>My initial reaction when I saw that was unprintable - I still h