Re: glibc make -k in lfs-dev chapter 6

2009-06-10 Thread jp
Le lundi 8 juin 2009 00:35:02, Bryan Kadzban a écrit : > jp wrote: > > Re-using the tools dir that I had got backed up, I re-runned glibc > > chapter 6 with --enable-kernel=2.6.18 and tests results are even worse > > than with -- enable-kernel=2.6.0: > > > > <...> > > > > I can see a process still

Re: glibc make -k in lfs-dev chapter 6

2009-06-10 Thread Bryan Kadzban
jp wrote: > Still having the old error. I used strace to trace it, as I had been advised. What about the contents of the .out file? > 3 processes are started. the 3rd is created by the second, and the 2nd by the > 1st. Yep. The tst-mutex9 executable forks to run the test function (like all the

Re: glibc make -k in lfs-dev chapter 6

2009-06-10 Thread Bryan Kadzban
Bryan Kadzban wrote: > Poking around in glibc, this *looks* like a bug in it (at least in > 2.10.1). Filed this bug: Does the patch mentioned there (to glibc) fix the testsuite? It needs to be done whether it fixes the tests or not, thoug