Has anyone experienced this error when running make check on grub-0.97? The
test fails when building trunk Revision: 8935 (in chroot, and if I boot into
the 6.5 system and build.)
make[3]: Entering directory `/grub-0.97/stage2'
ffs_stage1_5 is too big (8008 > 7168).
FAIL: size_test
Yes, I don't recall the full details but I was attempting to build it
with -O3 and dropping the CFLAGS resolved it. I've never seen it fail
like this with unless non-default CFLAGS were set though. The entire
build was heavily optimized and I eventually scraped it - by the time I
was getting
Trent Shea wrote:
> Has anyone experienced this error when running make check on grub-0.97? The
> test fails when building trunk Revision: 8935 (in chroot, and if I boot into
> the 6.5 system and build.)
> I eventually got it to pass the test by using the following CFLAGS:
> export CFLAGS="-marc