There is a failure in one of the tests in Perl 5.10.0 (chapter 6) under
the development book, the test is Archive/Extract. I pulled the fixes
for this from upstream which stems from a problem with newer versions of
tar. See attached.
Submitted By: Guy Dalziel
Date: 2009-07-25
Initial Package
to the user. But still: Dang. That was the patch that I
couldn't find online anywhere. I'll have to go try to pull it out of
the Debian .diff.gz, it looks like. :-(
OK, I've dropped that last patch onto my server; the URL is below:
I have been using:
-Dlibc=/tools/lib/ -Ulocincpth -Uloclibpth \
-Dglibpth="/tools/lib" -Dusrinc="/tools/include"
to replace the Perl libc patch. It works for me.
Description: PGP signature
FAQ: http
2008/10/29 Bryan Kadzban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Useless warnings: who cares.
Authors of CGI scripts, because users see the warnings, at least under thttpd.
Alexander E. Patrakov
Unsubscribe: See
D Configure style and then runs
it with -d -e -s (-des getopt style).
So, first thing is, I'd suggest just running `./Configure -des' (looks
like perl-5.10.0 makes Configure executable) instead of using the poor
compat interface configure.gnu. Just my opinion, but Configure
supports the full range o
Should I just drop in these
> instructions?
My only comment is that I've just tested perl-5.10.0's configure.gnu
script, and it appears to pass those options through to Configure.
Maybe this changed since that comment was added to the bug, but I see
this (as a test):
$ ./configure.gnu -
I'm puzzling over two tickets concerning perl: 2071 and 2227
It looks like 2071 says that we need to add -Dvendorprefix=/usr to the
configuration process, but configure.gnu doesn't support it.
Dan mentions that he uses:
sh ./Configure -des \
-Dprefix=/usr \
LFS Trac wrote:
> #2200: Perl 5.10.0
> -+--
> Reporter: willimm |Owner: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Type: task | Status: closed
> Priority: normal |