On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 02:29:27PM -0400, Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> 1) We don't know what state the target machine will be in - does it even
> have an OS? - are we really going to require that there be one? For, if
> we turn the cross-compiled tools into a tarball, I don't see how we can
> avo
Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
>Therefore, the question comes up, how do we get the cross-compiled
>tools over to the target machine and set up the user to finish the
>remaining book? To date, I think the suggested method has been to tar
>up the tools and kernel, and copy them over, *somehow*.
Hey All,
Just trying to sit and think through some aspects of the upcoming
cross-lfs book, and I wanted to throw some ideas your way.
Who knows exactly what this change of build method will bring exactly
for LFS, but my prediction is that most LFS users that build the
cross-lfs book will still